New York Times
New York Times: After You Strengthen Your Passwords, Here's How to Store Them
[Free Registration/Login Required] New York Times has suggestions from tech gurus on how to create strong passwords and keep them safe.
Ncdeh: Drinking Water
This site from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Health discusses the impact of Safe Drinking Water Act on wellhead protection, wellhead guidelines, delineation, management, contingency plan, and public involvement.
University of North Carolina: Autism Resources
A huge resource with information on autism, organizations, medical research, behavior modification, references, vocational rehabilitation, parent training, and more. Click on the US map for resources by state.
Ngwa: National Well Owners Association
This site from the National Ground Water Association provides information on ground water, the use of ground water, private water system, well maintenance, and protecting your own well water supply.
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Habitat Network: Support Birds: A Goal for Your Site?
Find out what citizen scientists can do to provide appropriate habitats for native birds.
Australian Government: Dept. Of Agriculture: Environment
Improving stewardship and sustainable management of Australia's environment including topics such as biodiversity, EPBC Act, Marine, Protection, International Activities, and Partnership.
Nature Serve: A Network Connecting Science With Conservation
A network of information about rare and endangered species and threatened ecosystems. The goal is to provide the scientific basis for conservation action. Also includes an online database of information on the plants, animals, and...
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Inventors and Innovators Improve on the Original
This lesson plan focuses on discussion of inventions, brainstorming new products or improvements, and identifying the protection, production, and marketing processes.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Cybersecurity and Economics: Protecting Your Identity Online
Help learners answe the esential question, "What should you do before you share information on the Internet?"
Pbs Teachers: Helping Kids Help the Environment
Define and explore the concept of environmental citizenship through a series of literacy-based multimedia, online and hands-on learning experiences. Discover how responsible citizens can help protect their local communities by...
Introductory Sociology: Culture
This page from the Del Mar College is an excellent outline of the topic; it provides a basic definition of the term, culture, as well as significant topics and a bibliography.
Center for Educational Technologies
Exploring the Environment: Water Quality #2
Use this case study from the Wheeling Jesuit University and a real world type problem to learn about water pollution and water quality assessment. Lots of supporting material.
Nh Pbs: Nature Works: Estuaries
Learn more about estuaries when you visit this informative site. This resource provides locations of and weblinks to estuaries in the United States.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Cfpb: Understanding How Insurance Works: A Case Study About Lucy
Students read about how insurance works, then review a case study to see how insurance choices can affect personal finances for a rural young adult.
Starfall: Wolves
This is a nonfiction interactive ebook about wolves and their family. Children can choose to read the book independently or click on the ear to have sentences read to them.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: What's Covering You? And Why
This lesson plan features activities that investigate four functions of skin.