The Franklin Institute
Franklin Institute: The Case Files: Early History of Computing
Computers are ubiquitous today. Step back in time and meet some of the early inventors of precursors to computers, and of the first computers.
Pbs: Eniac: A Pioneering Computer
PBS offers a brief background on the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), originally published by ScienCentral, Inc., and the American Institute of Physics.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Information Age
This exhibition surveys the history of information technology and its relation to society from the origin of the telegraph to the present. Its emphasis is as much on social as technical change. This support page contains background...
The History of Computing Project: John Presper Eckert
A chronology of the life and achievements of J. Presper Eckert is given. Also provided is some information on the ENIAC.