3 D Mekanlar: Sites in 3 D: The Pyramids
Take a virtual tour of the Egyptian pyramids. There are thirty-one tours in all. Instructions on how to navigate through the tours are given below, and the set can also be downloaded to your computer for easier viewing.
Harvard University
Harvard University: Digital Giza: Giza Project
Explore a 3D, historically accurate virtual world set in ancient Egypt. Giza 3D is the product of a decades-long collaboration between many institutions and companies, under the leadership of Professor Peter Manuelian. The Giza Project...
Common Lit: Egypt's Pyramids
CommonLit.org is a wonderful resource to use in a Language Arts classroom. Each story or article is accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. In addition, students can click on words to see...
Ab Cya: Wonders Around the World Spot the Differences
Explore some of the world's most spectacular structures with ABCya's game: Wonders around the World - Spot the Differences! This game presents history and illustrations of man-made architectural phenomena, from Machu Picchu to the Great...