Newswriting for Radio: Avoiding "Cop Talk"
This is a fabulous site for learning all about writing news for the radio. Lots of links and great tips!
Rewriting Copy
Find out the differences between print and radio broadcasts, as well as finding tips on writing news for radio.
Newswriting for Radio: Glossary of Terms
Here are terms you should familiarize yourself with broadcast journalism or radio news is in your future.
Newswriting for Radio: News Judgment: Be Enterprising
This is a fabulous site for all of those wanting to pursue a career in broadcast journalism. You can find tons of tips on how to be a better journalist and how to find a great story.
Newswriting for Radio: News Judgment: Polls, Surveys, and Studies
So you want to be a great broadcast journalist? You should take a look at this site! It offers tons of info and pointers on radio journalism.
Newswriting for Radio: Improving Newsroom Operations
Find out the basics of newsroom operation and the expectations of the various parts of a news broadcast.
Newswriting for Radio: Broadcast Sentence Structure
A fabulous Newscript.com site for broadcast news writing. You can learn how to craft the perfect sentence for radio listeners.
Newswriting for Radio: Three Styles of Radio Newswriting
A great Newscript site offering links to different styles of broadcast newswriting.
Newswriting for Radio: Leads & Teases
If you need to write a radio news story, you must stop here. You can find all you ever needed to know and more on how to be a great radio journalist.