Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: The Writing Teacher's Strategy Guide [Pdf]
This comprehensive writing guide teaches writing strategies that can be used in any subject area and with any grade level. Each of the eleven chapters discusses and demonstrates a different element of good writing. Many also provide...
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: Sample Guided Reading Lesson [Pdf]
This text on the topic of Women's Rights from Scholastic has been reformatted into a guided reading lesson where students can see annotated examples of active reading, stop at logical places in the text to answer discussion questions,...
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School: 10 Major Types of Inference in Literature [Pdf]
This printable worksheet helps students recognize the difference between an implication and an inference. Students are presented with quotes from the text and they practice with each of the ten types of inference: location, agent, time,...
Austin Independent School District
The Reading Teacher: Oral Reading Fluency [Pdf]
A research-based article about oral reading fluency and its correlation with reading comprehension. Includes information about different fluency development materials, how to use screening tests to show areas of concern or to track...
Austin Independent School District
Austin Indep. School District: Using Book Floods to Take a Closer Look [Pdf]
An inquiry-based lesson plan designed to introduce students to genre or to a specific author. Possible questions and graphic organizers help students refine thier thinking and discover connections. Requires Adobe Reader. [PDF]
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: Fourth Grade Conventions Checklists [Pdf]
A series of three checklists for the first three nine-weeks, designed to help fourth graders focus on usage and mechanics in their writing.
Austin Independent School District
Colorin Colorado: Spanish English Cognates/cognados [Pdf]
Recognize similarities between several English and Spanish words in this alphabetical list of cognates. Requires Adobe Reader. [PDF]
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: Quick and Easy Word Study Routine [Pdf]
When older students struggle with decoding difficult words, the word study routine described in this slide presentation can teach them to chunk bigger words into smaller parts to learn pronunciation skills.
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District:teaching Summarization to Struggling Students
A lesson designed to teach students how to recognize an effective summary. Following the lesson, several practice fiction and nonfiction texts are available in both English and Spanish for grades 3, 4, and 5. Answer key provided. [PDF]
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent Schools: Six Steps to Effective Vocabulary Instruction [Pdf]
Help students build vocabulary by following these six steps based on a book Building Background Knowledge by Robert Marzao. Requires Adobe Reader. [PDF]
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: Examining Tone in Literature [Pdf]
Click through this PDF slide presentation to learn a definition of tone and to gain a better understanding of how it is used in literature. Slides include activities to help students see the effect of using different tones and examples...
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: Making Inferences [Pdf]
A graphic organizer designed to help students connect information from the text with personal experience to make an inference.