IQ Site
Iq Study Activities: Grade 3 Reading Test: (2008 Vode Released Items)
In this 35-question reading comprehension test, students read numbered passages from a story and answer questions about their reading. This is part of a Virginia State reading test.
IQ Site
Iq Study Activities: Grade 3 Reading Test: (2003 Vode Released Items)
In this 25-question reading comprehension test, students read numbered passages from a story and answer questions about their reading. This is part of a Virgina State reading test.
IQ Site
Iq Study Activities: Grade 3 Reading Test: (2004 Vode Released Items)
In this 25-question reading comprehension test, students read numbered passages from a story and answer questions about their reading. This is part of a Virgina State reading test.
Ad Improve Performance on Reading Comprehension Tests
This article describes some of the thought processes that can help students perform well on standardized tests of reading comprehension. It includes two reading passages along with sample test questions that call on skills that eighth...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Following Directions: Tutorial
In this slideshow tutorial, students will review basics regarding the following of directions on an assessment and/or reading comprehension test. Strategies related to looking for particular words and phrases in a testing situation are...
Apda: Regents Exams: Grade 5 English Language Arts
This site offers New York State 5th grade language arts sample test and tests from 2006-2010. Each test includes reading and listening selections, a scoring key, and teacher directions. PDF (requires Adobe Reader).
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Reading Comprehension Tests for First Grade
This site offers links to several reading comprehension worksheets and tips to teachers for creating reading comprehension assessments for first graders.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: 10 Free Reading Tests for Comprehension Practice
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides ten short reading comprehension quizzes. Students will be able to write a sequence of events more efficiently by using this tool. All questions are skill-based and vary in levels of readability.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: 10 Free Reading Tests
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides ten free reading comprehension tests with a corresponding answer key and list of reading skills covered. All passages are high interest for middle school students.