Country Studies US
Country Studies: The Polish People's Republic
This article discusses the Soviet Union's influence in Poland following World War II and during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Latvia the Soviet Period
This article details the occupation of Latvia by the Soviet Union following World War II and during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Lithuania the Soviet Republic
This article discusses the Soviet Republic that existed in Lithuania during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Finland: Cold War and the Treaty of 1948
This article details the state of affairs in Finland during the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Estonia: The Soviet Era, 1940 85
This article examines the role of the Soviet Union in the governing of Estonia during World War II and the Cold War.
Country Studies US
Country Studies: Romania Armistice Negotiations and Soviet Occupation
This article discusses the Soviet Union's occupation of Romania during the Cold War.