Scholastic: Coming of Age Novels
Come and check out this site featuring a list of appropriate young adult novels. This list includes the title of each book and a brief description.
American Library Association
Outstanding Books for College Bound & Lifelong Learners
The American Library Association offers these suggestions for reading in history, humanities, literature, science, and social studies. RI.11-12.10b Text Complexity
Scholastic: Books to Engage Boys
Explore this exciting list of books that will engage boys of all ages to read. This site gives the title and a brief description for each book.
Scholastic: Summer Reading
Discover more about the importance of summer reading through this informative resource. provides teachers with links to summer booklists, articles on summer reading and more.
Scholastic: Novels for Growing Readers
Come and check out this informative resource featuring novels for growing readers. This site lists several appropriate books for students ranging from grades three through six.