Microsoft Education Lesson Plan: Candy Is Dandy
Explore color distribution of M&M candies using this detailed lesson plan. An engaging integrated lesson that requires understanding of spreadsheets and formulas, and logical reasoning. Links to related websites.
Mangahigh: Data: Interpret Raw Data
Students learn about the concept of interpreting raw data and finding outliers by exploring a tutorial. They can then test their knowledge by taking a ten question assessment that increases in difficulty as they correctly answer questions.
Mangahigh: Data: Two Way Tables
This site provides students practice with the concept of two way tables. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Data: Use Frequency Tables
This site provides students practice with the concept of frequency tables. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Data: Stem and Leaf Plots
This site provides students practice with the concept of stem and leaf plots. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Data: Using Bar Charts
This site provides students practice with the concept of bar charts. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Data: Using Line Graphs
This site provides students practice with the concept of line graphs. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Data: Trend Graphs
Students explore the concept of frequency trend graphs by working through an online tutorial and then attempting a ten question quiz that increases in difficulty as questions are answered correctly.
Mangahigh: Data: Use and Interpret Pictographs
This site provides students practice with the concept of pictographs. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Mangahigh: Data: Scatter Plots
This site provides students practice with the concept of scatter plots. Students can learn about the topic by completing an interactive tutorial. Students can then take a ten question timed test to practice the skill.
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Practice With Organizing and Interpreting Data
Several problems are presented to test your skills in creating and interpreting frequency tables, pie charts, box-and-whisker and stem-and-leaf plots.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Let's Play Ball With Box and Whisker Plots
This activity is designed to help students make decisions about what and how information could be displayed graphically. The data set deals with salaries of professional baseball players. It is designed for students to determine if the...
US Department of Education
Nces Kids: Create an Xy Graph
This is where you can find a step by step explanation of how to create an XY graph. When you finish each step just click the next tab and you will find the next set of instructions.
Bbc: Representing Data
This BBC Math Bite tutorial for line graphs, pictograms, and frequency polygons features an exam in which students draw and interpret statistical diagrams.
Pbs Kids: Curious George: Hat Grab
This Curious George game teaches children data analysis and graphing. Grab hats as people pass by so that George can graph the collected hats. Then answer a question about the hats!
Nearpod: Construct & Interpret Scatter Plots
In this lesson on scatter plots, 8th graders will learn how to interpret scatter plots and then graph them using a data table.
Nearpod: Scatterplots, Correlation & Lines of Best Fit
In this lesson on scatterplots, students will learn how to create the line of best fit and analyze scatterplots by learning about correlations and causation.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Figure This: How Many Colors of States Are on a Us Map
Try this data collection and analysis math challenge on map coloring. An interesting approach to analyzing complex data. This one page activity is part of the NCTM Math Challenges for Families collection.
Education Place
Houghton Mifflin: Eduplace: Make a Living Bar Graph
Student use simple data to line up in a living bar graph activity when they respond to simple questions in this lesson plan. They physically and visually represent the data. CCSS.Math.Content.3.MD.B.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a...
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Bar Graphs
Two bar graph examples are shown and explained at this website. You can learn what kind of data is best represented using a bar graph.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Apples a Peel to Me
This lesson plan helps children understand how to graph data by using both real objects, apples, and pictures of apples. Great activity for a variety of themes.