Der Wandrer/johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
This site features a translation of Goethe's verse play "Der Wandrer" as well as interpretive music and artwork to enhance our enjoyment of the play.
Der Schatzgraber/johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
An English translation of "Der Schatzgraber" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe accompanied by interpretive artwork and music.
Dickinson College: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
An analysis of Samuel Coleridge's ideas on nature as is evident in his writings. Includes examples of his poetry.
Sonnet Central
Sonnet Central: The Romantic Era
This personal site provides a description of the era, with an extensive list of links to authors of the time.
Mic Top: Lord George Gordon Noel Byron (1788 1824)
This site has brief biographical information about Lord George Gordon Noel Byron, with a handful of illustrations of the poet.
Bartleby.com: Quotes From Coleridge
This site features 79 quotations taken from Coleridge's writings.
Bartleby.com: The Oxford Book of English Verse: Selected Shelley
Links to 13 poems written by Percy Shelley are offered at this site. It also has links to other 17th and 18th century writers.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Mutability
Read about the themes in Mutability a poem written by William Wordsworth.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: The Prisoner of Chillon
The poem, The Prisoner of Chillon, was written by Lord Byron in 1816. Read about the meaning, and important quotations from the poem in this comprehensive site.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: To Autumn
Read about one of John Keats' most renowned poems in this interesting site that looks at the themes, and background information on the poem.
Creative Quotations: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
This site from Creative Quotations features quotations selected from the works of Goethe.
Bridgewater College: Goethe's Faust
Here are some thought-provoking questions on Goethe's "Faust" from Bridgewater College. There are also links to an excellent biography of Goethe, a study guide to "Faust," ideas for essays, the Goethe Society Home Page, the English text...
The Androom Archive: The Corpse of Lord Byron
A mystery surrounding the death and burial of Lord Byron is described at this site.
Sonnet Central
Sonnet Central: Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 1834)
Read sonnets by Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "Work without hope," and "One a Discovery Made Too Late." Page links to an introductory essay.
Sonnet Central
Sonnet Central: George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788 1824)
The text of "Sonnet on Chillon" by Lord Byron is provided at this site.
Sonnet Central
Sonnet Central: Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 1822)
Links to the texts of five sonnets written by Percy Shelley are provided at this site.
Authors Calendar
Author's Calendar: Samuel Taylor Coleridge
This site offers a biography of Coleridge, with links to other historical figures and a list of his collected works.