University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Modern American Poetry: Etheridge Knight (1931 1991)
Modern American Poetry offers both biographical information about Black Arts poet, Etheridge Knight, and excepts of analyses of his poems.
Academy of American Poets "The Idea of Ancestry" by Etheridge Knight
The text of Etheridge Knight's poem, "The Idea of Ancestry."
Academy of American Poets Mississippi Poets provides an overview of the poets from a particular state. The overview for Mississippi includes information on featured poets (Etheridge Knight and Natasha Trethewey) and poems specifically about Mississippi.
Academy of American Poets Etheridge Knight
A brief biography of Black Arts poet Etheridge Knight.
Academy of American Poets "Hard Rock Returns to Prison"
Text of the Etheridge Knight poem, "Hard Rock Returns to Prison from the Hospital for the Criminally Insane."