Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Plant Parts
Identify the major parts of a plant. Select each part name and drop in the boxes next to the full-color diagram.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion: El Reino Vegetal
In this lesson you will learn to understand better the different plants in your environment, its characteristics and its presence in our daily lives. Learn how important the plants are for the survival of all ecosystems in the world and...
Project Britain
Primary Homework Help: Plants Quiz
Brush up on plant facts before taking this interactive quiz.
Platonic Realms: Conic Sections
A proof to show that the square root of two is an irrational number, followed by a shorter and even more beautiful proof.
Sierra College: Summary of Tests for Series
Provides a summary of tests for series that includes the test, series, converges, sum of remainder, and diverges for nth Term, Geometric Series, Telescoping Series, p-Series, Alternating Series, Integral, Root, Ratio, Direct Comparison,...
Clark University
Clark University: Dave's Short Trig Course: Complex Numbers
Contains general information regarding complex numbers and roots of unity.
Virtual Salt
Virtual Salt: Word Roots and Prefixes
At this website, there is a large chart that "Contains some of the common roots and prefixes that make up the building blocks of numerous English words." Columns for roots/prefixes, meanings, and examples are included.
Biology 4 kids
Biology4 Kids: Different Parts = Different Advantages
A concise reference highlighting the specialized parts of plants and the jobs they do.
Mangahigh: Algebra: Approximation Using a Calculator
Students work through an online turorial on the topic of approximation and then take a ten question quiz that increases in difficulty as the problems progress.
Curated OER
Kids Health: Taking Care of Teeth
This resource explains why healthy teeth are important, and how you can keep your teeth healthy are topics discussed in this site.
Curated OER
Kids Health: Hair
Hair grows almost everywhere on your body. In this hair video and activity guide, you'll go under the skin to find out where hair begins. [5:11]
Grammarly Blog: Verb Forms
This page explains the five forms of verbs: root, third-person singular,present participle, past, and past participle and provides examples of each.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Introduction to Roots and Radicals
Sophia: Introduction to Roots and Radicals uses teacher tutorials and online assessments to introduce and analyze concepts such as Even Roots, Negative Numbers, Odd Roots, Partial Root, Perferct Squares, Radicals Root, and Roots.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Plant Parts and Development Quiz
Take an interactive quiz over plant parts and plant development. After completing the quiz, check your score, and then revisit any incorrect question for further review.
Curated OER
Polynomial Functions
Polynomial functions are functions with x as an input variable made up of several terms, each made up of two factors. Click the links for detailed explanations and examples.
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Probing Into Plant Parts
In this lesson plan students will obtain a better understanding of a plant's needs, and how the various parts of the organism help it to meet its needs. Students will understand how some plants are alike and different.
How to Calculate Square Roots
Information on square roots in radical equations, along with information on the principal square root.
Physics Aviary
Physics Aviary: Quick Graph 3.0
This program was designed as a quick graphing program that students could use on a computer, tablet or smart phone when a more complex graphing program is not available. This program will let students plot up to 10 data points and then...
Purple Math
Purplemath: Numerical Approximation of Zeroes: The Midpoint Method
Explains the reasoning and methodology for the process of numerically approximating the zeroes of a non solvable polynomial.
Bbc: Skillswise: Suffixes [Pdf]
BBC Skillswise offers a worksheet on suffixes for teachers and students.
Paul Dawkins
Paul's Online Notes: Algebra: Zeroes/roots of Polynomials
Learn about the root or zero of a polynomial with this reference guide. Includes definitions, step-by-step instructions on how to find all the zeroes for a given polynomial, and multiple examples. Also included is a description of The...
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension: The Great Plant Escape
Inspector LePlant and his friends look at the world of plants in this site for younger students. Features include the parts of plants and the seven basic requirements that plants need to survive as well as a short quiz.
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: Irrational Roots
A brief lesson on when irrational roots occur when solving quadratic equations, and how to find them. Contains examples, exercises, and solutions.
Integrated Publishing
Integrated Publishing: Roots, Exponents, and Radicals
Information on powers, roots, exponents, and radicals.