Pbs Kids Afterschool Adventure!: Operation: Measuring How Much Activity Plan
Measuring fun is here! For this week's adventure, children will explore volume, capacity, and weight and learn new math vocabulary words as they practice measurement with real and virtual measuring tools. Each section of this weeklong...
California State University
Csudh: Chemistry: Converting Volumes
Perform problems involving converting volumes between the English and metric systems to help develop math skills.
California State University
Csudh: Chemistry: Density, Mass and Volume Homework
Practice your density, mass, and volume calculations with these interactive review problems.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Intro to Measurement for Primary Students
This site from the Math Forum is a great introduction to measurement for primary students. Each measurement activity has four components: interactive, manipulative-based project; technology; paper/pencil practice; literature connection.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Seventh Grade Math: Area and Perimeter
Learn how to enlarge drawings, figure out how much tile to buy to cover a specific floor, and learn about area and perimeter. These and other lesson plans are provided, including a fun interdisciplinary plan featuring dragons.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: A Tour of Measurement
Peruse a collection of lesson plans, resources and FAQ's about measurement at every grade level.
Visual Fractions
Visual Fractions: Platform Scale
Students practice using scales like the one in a doctor's office. Five Gregs will drop on the scale to be weighed. Participants see how fast they can weigh the Gregs.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Measuring for Cookies
In this lesson, students use math and physics skills to follow directions when making cookies. This is a very detailed and structured lesson!
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: How High Is Big? Using an Astrolabe
Students observe and measure the shadows of fixed objects throughout the school year to learn about how the seasonal change affects the sun's position in the sky.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Virtual Earthquake
An activity-based program designed to introduce the concepts of how an earthquake epicenter is located and how the Richter magnitude of an earthquake is determined.
Simon Fraser University
Chem1 Virtual Textbook: The Measure of Matter
Find out all about units, measurements, and error when it comes to measuring matter.
Pbs Kids: Martha Speaks: True Stories
Martha's True Stories consists of non-fiction texts with accompanying video, glossary, and quiz centered on four STEM topics: science - the environment; technology - communication, transportation & tools; engineering - inventions;...
Pbs Kids: Martha: True Stories
A collection of interactive story activities about topics including the environment, technology, inventions, and measuring. There are four stories about each of the topics. In addition to being able to page through the books, the books...
Simon Fraser University
Chem1 Virtual Textbook: Error and Uncertainty in Measured Values
As part of a larger site called "Getting started in Chemistry," this site examines various topics related to measurements and the error and uncertainty that accompanies the methods of measurements.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Find the Area of the Shape!
Try to figure out the area of this challenging shape. In order to view the images, you will need to use JavaSketchpad.
Maths Zone
A huge collection of math online games for all ages. Access different types of math such as: use and apply, count and understand, addition and subtraction number facts, multiplication and division number facts, shapes, measuring, and...
American Academy of Family Physicians
Family doctor.org: High Blood Pressure: Blood Pressure Monitoring at Home
This article provides great information blood pressure and how to monitor it at home. The topics that are covered in this article include: why should I measure my blood pressure at home and keep a record of it, what equipment do I need...
Utah Education Network
Uen: Design Your Own Bedroom
Many students dream of designing their ideal bedroom. For this exercise, students will be required to limit their designs by size (as a specific volume) and price (a specific amount). They must design the floor plan, including furniture...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Metric System Measurements
A guided lesson introducing the metric measuring system and providing practice with some of the units.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Game Do You Measure Up?
This interactive game gives you a variety of measuring tools and measuring opportunity. For this game of chance you choose the correct tool for the job that needs to be measured. Everything you need for this game is listed and/or...
All math.com: Us/metric Conversion Tables
Convert metric measurements to U.S. Measurements and the reverse, too. Easy to follow tables have sections for area, length, mass,temperature and volume.
Oswego City School District
Regents Exam Prep Center: Metric Conversions and Rates
Find out all about measurement in this test prep lesson exploring English and metric measurement. Students can compare metric and customary measurements using the conversion charts, assess how much they have learned using the interactive...
Education Development Center
Tune in to Learning: Polygons and Perimeter
Explore different polygons and find their perimeter with this interactive lesson from T.V.411. Students see examples of polygons in everyday life and have immediate feedback to your responses to lesson questions.
University of Houston
University of Houston: Measurement Teacher Activities: Capacity Lessons
This lesson plan offers opportunities for students to gain experience working with cups, pints, quarts and gallons. It also provides many resources to use with students.