Central Intelligence Agency

Cia: Intelligence in the Civil War [Pdf]

For Students 9th - 10th
A multi-topic look at intelligence gathering, the tools used, and the people involved in both the North and the South during the Civil War. Comprehensive, interesting coverage from the CIA.

History News Network: How the Telegraph Helped Lincoln Win the Civil War

For Students 9th - 10th
Abraham Lincoln participated in battle strategy in real time thanks to the telegraph. Read the fascinating story of how Abraham Lincoln was intimately involved in the course of the Civil War due to the increased use of the telegraph.
Civil War Home

Home of the American Civil War: Military Telegraph Service

For Students 9th - 10th
Ciphers, codes, and wiretaps were all part of the telegraph service in both the Union and Confederacy. Read about the importance of the telegraph in relaying information and obtaining plans surreptitiously. From "Photographic History of...