Wikipedia: The Guess Who
A detailed history of one of the most successful and well-known Canadian music bands of all-time, The Guess Who. The article discusses the history and the cultural influences of the band in great depth. Links to other related articles...
Folk Music of Canada and Australia
Features traditional folk music of Canada including lyrics and information about each song listed. Songs can be downloaded and played.
Canadian Folk Music Awards
Created in 2005, The Canadian Folk Music Awards promotes Canadian folk music in all its forms. Listed are the 2007 nominees for the awards and upcoming concerts.
Merna A Forster
Heroines: Susan Aglukark
For a concise biography, this crams a lot in! There are links, as well as a CBC interview.
Canadian Music and the World
Become acquainted with famous Canadian musicians and learn how Canada has contributed to the World Music scene. Highlighted are the music scenes in Quebec and the Canadian Maritimes both of which have a unique musical culture.
Merna A Forster
Heroines: Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell is one of Canada's most prolific Canadian musicians. Her life and career are profiled here, with LOTS of links for further study.
Canadian Content: Famous Musicians
Featured is a list of well known Canadian musicians with brief biographies included.
Merna A Forster
Heroines: Liona Boyd
Concise biography and lots of links on Liona Boyd, "First Lady of the Guitar."