Personal Site: Travel Literature in the Medieval Period
A nice description of the literary genre known as "travel literature" as it was seen during the Middle Ages in Europe. The author notes that many times, medieval writers would make up exotic creatures to entertain their readers.
J. Paul Getty Trust
J. Paul Getty Museum: Fashion in the Middle Ages
The attire donned by individuals during the Middle Ages were more than simple fashion statements. They were much more important statements of wealth and social hierarchy.
Stanford University
Stanford University: Medieval Music Birth of Polyphony
An article on the beginning of Polyphonic music during the Middle Ages. You'll also find illustrations.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Days of Our Medieval Lives
This project is designed for a class on block scheduling with class times ranging from 60-96 minutes. Middle schoolers will be assigned a character in feudal society. Through this character, students will immerse themselves in medieval...