Harold D. Underdown

The Purple Crayon: A Guide to Writing Children's Lit.

For Students 9th - 10th
A great resource for writing, illustrating, and publishing children's literature. Includes articles, guides, and helpful tips to being successful in one or more ventures in children's literature.
Harold D. Underdown

A Glossary of Publishing Terms and Jargon

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
An extensive and detailed glossary of the many words and phrases one may come across in the field of publishing. Includes general and basic terms as well as "jargon" only publishers understand.
Harold D. Underdown

Getting Started: The Basics of Writing & Illustrating

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A fantastic resource for getting started in publishing a children's book. Provides information about writing, sending and submitting your manuscript, choosing an agent, and more.
Unknown Type
Harold D. Underdown

The How Do I Get It Published Quiz

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A fantastic quiz for answering questions about getting your writing piece published. Pertains specifically to children's literature, but may also be relevant for other types of writing.
Harold D. Underdown

Children's Book Awards/ Award Winning Children's Books

For Students 9th - 10th
Site includes information about the Caldecott Medal, the Newbery Medal, the National Book Award, the Coretta Scott King Award, and other National Awards from 2002-current. Includes a page on each award, links to press releases, and...
Harold D. Underdown

Chatting Them Up: Tips for a Successful Interview

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Taken from the perspective of a children's literature writer, this website offers several tips and suggestions for conducting an efficient interview. A detailed and informational article.
Harold D. Underdown

The Purple Crayon Blog: Questions About Publishing

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
An updated blog dealing with common and frequently asked questions concerning publishing children's literature.
Harold D. Underdown

The Purple Crayon: Writing Picture Books, the Basics

For Students 9th - 10th
A detailed and informational look at the process of writing a picture book. From the writing process to the submission of a manuscript, this site will show an aspiring writer how to write and submit a picture book worth reading.
Harold D. Underdown

Self Editing Your Middle Grade Book

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
An excellent resource for writers who have completed a young adult novel or book. Includes links to helpful websites and "tried and true self-editing secrets."
Harold D. Underdown

The Purple Crayon: Researching the Folktale

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
An excellent informational page concerning the origins of the folktale. Addresses questions such as "where did it [the folktale] come from?" and discusses dates, sources, and examples. Great site for anyone looking to research the basic...
Harold D. Underdown

How to Make Editors Eager to Read Your Picture Book

For Students 9th - 10th
A great resource for attempting to publish a picture book. Includes tips and helpful advice for writers.
Harold D. Underdown

Write Descriptive Passages to Die For

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Provides excellent examples of descriptive writing for one needing inspiration. Site is written for those who write literature for children, but can also be applicable to other genres.
Harold D. Underdown

Are You a Writer Looking for Inspiration?

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A very helpful article for writers looking for inspiration. Presents advice about inspiration from the past, present, and future. Article written for children's literature but may also apply to other genres.
Harold D. Underdown

How to Write a Picture Book With Fabulous Rhyme & Meter

For Students 9th - 10th
An excellent resource for elementary writers looking to create or season a picture book with rhyming or metrical elements. Includes good advice and tips, as well as examples and links for further information.
Harold D. Underdown

How to Find Words That Jump Off the Page

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
An excellent resource for a writer struggling to come up with the exact words for which they are looking. Includes very helpful advice and information. Aimed at writers of children's literature, but can also apply to other genres.
Harold D. Underdown

The Secret to Becoming a Published Writer

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A very good article providing "secrets" to those writers hoping to get published. Includes tips, secrets, quotes from published writers, and links for further information.
Harold D. Underdown

The Purple Crayon: Getting It Out of the "Slush Pile"

For Students 9th - 10th
The "slush pile" is a publisher's sizeable reading stash, and this site is a great resource for attempting to get a publisher to get your manuscript OUT of the pile. Includes several pieces of advice concerning the story itself, your...
Harold D. Underdown

Rites of Submission: Cover & Query Letters in Publishing

For Students 9th - 10th
A fantastic reference for how to format a cover or query letter when submitting a manuscript for publication. Includes examples of good letters, what NOT to write, and general guidelines for success.
Harold D. Underdown

Caldecott Medal Winners, 2002 Current

For Students 9th - 10th
A list of the children's books to win the esteemed Caldecott Medal from 2002 until the present. Includes links to each books page from "Amazon.com" for buying information and additional resources.
Harold D. Underdown

The Newbery Medal Winners, 2002 Current

For Students 9th - 10th
Site includes a listing of previous winners of the Newbery Book Medal in children's literature since 2002. Shows winners and provides a link to each book's page on "Amazon.com" for buying information.
Harold D. Underdown

Writing Young Adult and Children's Fiction and Fantasy

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A great article concerning writing children's literature, especially in the area of fantasy or science fiction. The author provides information concerning how to develop characters, creating literary elements, and discusses some pitfalls...
Harold D. Underdown

Getting Out of the Art File: Tips for Book Illustrators

For Students 9th - 10th
An excellent resource for illustrators to format their work in order to get the attention of a publisher. Intended for children's literature, but may also apply to other genres.
Unit Plan
Harold D. Underdown

The Purple Crayon: Books About Children's Writing

For Students 9th - 10th
A resourceful list of books to consult when writing children's literature. Includes several books from different perspectives, and includes links to each books page on Amazon.com.
Unit Plan
Harold D. Underdown

The Purple Crayon: Books About Illustrating

For Students 9th - 10th
A list of resources concerning illustrating for children's literature. Each link takes you to the book's page on Amazon.com.