Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Zoogoer Magazine: Tiger Facts
Susan Lumpkin's article in Zoogoer Magazine presents a series of facts and related information on tigers. The topics covered include size, habitat, diet, hunting, territoriality, social behavior, conservation, reproduction, and more.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Zoogoer Magazine: Rediscovering a Fragile Frontier
This article deals with a variety of topics related to the Prairie biome. Topics covered include More than Just Waving Grass, Birds of a Feather, Bison: From Abundance to Absence, and more.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Zoogoer Magazine: Penguins on Thin Ice
This article explores various topics relating to penguins including From the Equator to the Bottom of the World, Feast and Famine, Penguin Cities, Waddling into the Future, and more.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian National Zoo: Zoogoer Magazine: Coatis, the Raccoon's Sociable Cousin
This article on the Raccoon's cousin, the coatis, covers a variety of topics related to the coatis including the four species (white-nosed, ringtailed, mountain, and island), behavior habits, and more.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of the American Indian: The Art of Being Kuna
This resource provides information about Kuna and the art of the molas.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of the American Indian: Memory and Imagination, Frank Day
This resource explores the life and works of Maidu Indian artist, Frank Day. Read brief biographical details and view images with descriptions of his most famous works.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Chip Collection
The National Museum of American History's Chip Collection consists of individual donations of objects, images and documentation that traces the history of integrated circuits. Scroll down to explore the details of this unique research...
Smithsonian Institution
National Postal Museum: Trailblazers and Trendsetters: James Baldwin
The Art of the Stamp presents this historic postal stamp of James Baldwin, writer and leading figure during the civil right movement. With short biographical passage.
Smithsonian Institution
National Postal Museum: Posted Aboard r.m.s. Titanic
This online exhibit looks at the role of the Titanic as a Royal Mail Ship, and what was lost with the ship's sinking. Primary materials are used throughout the exhibit.
Smithsonian Institution
Lemelson Center: Spark!lab: Inventor Profiles: Charlotte Cramer Sachs
Charlotte Cramer Sachs held the patents on many inventions. She invented quick baking products such as Joy muffin mixes, as well as accessories for dogs and musical games. One invention was a precursor to the retractable dog leash. A...
Smithsonian Institution
Lemelson Center: Spark!lab: Inventor Profiles: Joseph B. Friedman
Joseph B. Friedman invented the bendable straw, which he patented in 1937. Read about his life here and the history of this famous invention.
Smithsonian Institution
Lemelson Center: Spark!lab: Inventor Profiles: Charles F. Brannock
Charles F. Brannock's most famous invention was the Brannock Device. It is used worldwide today for measuring feet in order to determine proper shoe size. Original drawings for it can be viewed here, along with a biographical profile of...
Smithsonian Institution
Lemelson Center: Spark!lab: Invent a Musical Whirligig
Students can easily create a musical whirligig to study sound production. These instruments are constructed out of everyday materials and allows students to use their imagination to make music.
Smithsonian Institution
Lemelson Center: Spark!lab: Extract Dna
Dissect strawberries and use common household ingredients to successfully extract and examine the strawberry DNA.
Smithsonian Institution
Lemelson Centre: Spark!lab: Make Your Own Wind Turbine
A wind turbine is a machine that captures the force of the wind to produce electricity. Learn how to make a wind turbine as a student or as a teacher. An experiment can be downloaded.
Smithsonian Institution
Freer | Sackler Galleries: Devi: The Great Goddess
A 19th-century painting of the Hindu goddess Devi.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Libraries:industrial Drawings at the Smithsonian: Doodles & Drafts
Drawing is a key element in an inventor's skill set. When it comes to the working out of new ideas, inventors turn to pencil and paper. Mixing art and science, this exhibition site showcases a collection of industrial drawings that...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Libraries:chasing Venus: Observing the Transits of Venus 1631 2004
An online website, from a historical perspective, of the study of the transit of Venus between the sun and the earth.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Libraries: Zoos, a Historical Perspective
An online sample of maps, drawings and photographs of zoos from over 30 states and 40 countries.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian Libraries: Innovators Gallery
Who invented the tennis racket, Crayola Crayons or Tupperware? Smithsonian site invites users to explore the achievements of a variety of American innovators and inventors.
Smithsonian Institution
National Postal Museum: Music: Latin Jazz Issue
Learn about key aspects of Latin jazz from this captioned exhibit of a stamp issued in 2008 to celebrate it.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African Art: Diversity of African Art
Features an article and clickable, illustrated links to show the deep, rich site of African art from many places and times, and taking many forms.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Random Strategies in Archeology
Students participate in a three-part archeological interpretation activity. First, they learn the principles of archaeology and the importance of material culture, and then they question ideas and interpret artifact evidence. Finally,...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Archeology in the Classroom
Two different leveled lessons allow students to become archeologists as they interpret material remains left behind by ancient people.