Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Adolph Gottlieb
The Luce Foundation Center for American Art presents a biographical, multi-media take on the abstract expressionist painter Adolph Gottlieb. The New York native Gottlieb was a central figure in the development of American abstract art.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Jacob Lawrence
The Luce Foundation Center for American Art presents the African-American painter and Harlem Renaissance figure, Jacob Lawrence, with a short biography, image, and description of his work on view in the collection and a video interview...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Beauford Delaney
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Beauford Delaney is described here along with information on his contributions to art through his association with the Harlem Renaissance and his portraits of African Americans.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Eleanor De Laittre
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Eleanor De Laittre is described here along with information on her contributions to art through her variety of paintings, some (if not most) of which were influenced by Cubism.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Wharton Esherick
As part of the Smithsonian Art Museum's database of artists, Wharton Esherick is described here along with information on his contributions to art through sculpture (using wood) and furniture design.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Thomas Eakins
Thomas Eakins is profiled at this site in a format that begins with a brief biographical sketch of his life. His works are then listed by appearance in the museum's database. Each work is presented in thumbnail format with brief...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Eastman Johnson: "The Girl I Left Behind Me"
An analysis of Eastman Johnson's painting "The Girl I Left Behind Me" is provided by the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Includes link to an artist biography.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Kenneth Noland
From the Luce Foundation Center at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, this is a portrait photograph and biography for the color field painter Kenneth Noland.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Ivan Albright
From the Luce Foundation Center at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, this is a portrait photograph and biography for the American painter, Ivan Albright.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: The Splendor of Diamonds
Describes past exhibition of some of the finest gems in the world, this collection of precious diamonds includes several rare and valuable stones.
Smithsonian Institution
Freer | Sackler Galleries: Tibetan Healing Mandala
A site in response to the September 11 tragedies. Twenty Buddhist monks constructed a madala at the Sackler gallery.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Things to Do at Home
Families can come together through games designed to make history something fun and integral to family life. Build a sod house like prairie settlers did in the 1800s. Go back in time to visit five families that lived in the same house...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: William Steinway's Diary
This annotated online edition of William Steinway's diary is an excellent artifact from the Civil War! You can read the diary, view the actual hand-written pages, search for keywords, learn about the Steinway Family, and view images of...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Artificial Anatomy: Papier Mache Models
Online exhibition examines an interesting sidelight in the history of medicine: the use of papier-mache anatomical models. Learn about the history of medical dissection, why the models were made, and their construction and conservation....
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Dorothea Dix
Contains a portrait and brief biography of Dorothea Dix.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Ocean Portal: Life in the Sand
This article is the companion to the exhibit on Oceans at the Smithsonian. There is good information about sand, microscopic life in the sand, and problems that people cause on our beaches.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Paleobiology: Blast From the Past!
Examine evidence of a deep-sea core that provides evidence of an asteroid impact sixty-five million years ago, which may have contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Paleobiology: Green River Fossil Collections
Search the collection of 35,000 fossiliferous rocks found within the Green River Formation of Colorado and Utah. View some of these 50 million year old insect fossils in a linked slide show.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Harriet Beecher Stowe
Read about the impact of Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin. Included is an engraving of her done in 1855.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Vikings: Game of Hnefatafl
This history project features an old Norse game that is found in many Viking and Norse sites. It consists of a board and game pieces like chess and checkers. Students can make their own board and playing pieces and challenge each other...
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: The Amistad Case:
Pictures and text from the Smithsonian Institute about the 1839 slave rebellion on the slave ship, The Amistad and the ensuing trial of the 36 Africans involved in the rebellion.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Rachel Carson
See this bust of Rachel Carson, leader of the environmental movement in the 1960s and read a brief description of the impact of her book, "Silent Spring."
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Marisol
Read a brief discussion of Marisol's art and the influences on her creativity.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Margaret Sanger
Read a short account of Margaret Sanger's crusade to promote birth control. Included is a bronze bust sculpted by Joy Buba.