Smithsonian Institution
The Fabric of Moroccan Life Rural Weavings
Berber peoples, the indigenous inhabitants of rural Morocco, are known for their spectacular weaving. Shown on this website are 14 different examples.
Smithsonian Institution
The Fabric of Moroccan Life Find the Design
The designs found in Moroccan weaving and textiles often come from things of everyday life or from basic geometric shapes. Given on this site are seven examples of common designs for you to explore and enjoy.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African Art: A First Look at the Disney Tishman Collection
A survey of traditional African art in a variety of media--wood, ivory, metal, and ceramics--from an impressive collection donated to the National Museum of African Art by Walt Disney in 2005. Includes examples of masks from the Yoruba...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African Art: Art of the Personal Object
Exhibition takes you on a tour of African art that was made to be both seen and used. Find examples of everyday objects - pipes, stools, headrests, bowls - that demonstrate the African ideal of crafting utilitarian objects of great beauty.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African Art: Activity Room
Come discover Madagascar--its geography, animals, music and language. Test your current knowledge and learn new things too.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of African Art: Where Do I Come From?
Find out where each African pot was made. Watch the country light up on the map and read a little bit about how it was created.
Smithsonian Institution
Nm Af A: Audible Artworks: Selected African Musical Instruments
Five traditional African musical instruments are highlighted at this Smithsonian site: two types of drums, the thumb piano (mucapata), harp, and whistles. Includes historical facts about the instruments.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: A Journey Through Art With w.h. Johnson
Discover one of our nation's great African American artists. See images of his colorful work and try out some of the suggested activities coupled with each piece.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Singular Impressions: The Monotype in America
Monotype is a unique form of printmaking wherein the artist makes only one print. This impressive collection displays American monoprints and outlines a bit about the history of the monotype in America. Includes information about the...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: American Impressionism
The Smithsonian American Art Museum contains examples of works by many of the American Impressionists. With each work, there is a brief bit of information regarding the work. Click "Artworks" in the toolbar to view a slideshow of the...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Director's Choice
The director of the Smithsonian American Art Museum applies her analytical skills in explaining the formal and aesthetic qualities of her favorite American masterworks from the Smithsonian's collection of American art.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Eyeing America: The Prints of Robert Cottingham
At this site from the Smithsonian American Art Museum, artist Robert Cottingham takes you on a visual tour across America with his works of art. View his complete collection that showcases commercial signs.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Scenes of American Life
A stunning array of art from the Smithsonian American Art Museum depicting everyday life and work in America from American masters such as Edward Hopper, Jacob Lawrence, and Paul Cadmus. Use the right navigation to click through over 60...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Abbott Handerson Thayer
The Smithsonian American Art Museum offers this introduction to American artist Abbott Handerson Thayer, who is known for his idealized and other-worldly depictions of women, angels, and nature. Read a brief biography of the artist, then...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Lure of the West
An exhibit from the Smithsonian includes 70 paintings and sculptures by famous American Western artists such as Catlin, Baker, Bierstadt, and Remington.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Robert Indiana
A kid-friendly biography and introduction to pop artist Robert Indiana. Asks some thoughtful questions and gives fun facts about the artist.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Young America in Art
An historical site from the Smithsonian American Art Museum that shows the growth of America through art work by over 45 artists. This site by the Smithsonian Institute has fascinating images showing American artists depicting the...
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: Lure of the West
Beautiful artwork from the more famous artists who depicted the people, places and things of the American West.
Smithsonian Institution
Smithsonian American Art Museum: "Flying Dutchman" and "Jonah"
This site from the Smithsonian American Art Museum presents several paintings by Albert Pinkham Ryder. Content includes background information about the paintings and a discussion of the techniques Ryder used.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Laysan Albatross
This Smithsonian website has a brief, but thorough, article on the Laysan Albatross that also includes a picture.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Hall of Mammals: Giant Anteater
Brief illustrated overview of the giant anteater and an accompanying video demonstrate how this "food specialist lives up to his name".
Large Scale Active Middleware
The Large Scale Active Middleware Proxy Cache is designed to "reduce server and network load, and increase client performance."
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: West Point in the Making of America
Online part of a Smithsonian exhibit to honor the 200th anniversary of West Point, the site includes history, interactive maps, historical documents and artifacts.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Eadweard Muybridge's Photography of Motion
From the National Museum of American History this is a description and analysis of the photography of expatriate Englishman Eadweard Muybridge. "Freeze Frame: Muybridge's Photography of Motion" iclude's examples of Muybridge's work...