Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: On Time
A multimedia-rich site that examines time and our conception of it: marking time, mechanizing time, synchronizing time, saving time, and expanding time.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: The Remarkable Star Map of Simeon De Witt
Simeon de Witt created his star map in 1780 after studying European star maps and the skies. His is the 'oldest surviving Anglo-American star map.' Read about the history of star maps, a biography of Simeon de Witt, and the influence his...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: You Be the Historian
Exercise involves learners in figuring out what life was like two hundred years ago for the colonial American Springer family by examining objects and documents they left behind.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Information Age
This exhibition surveys the history of information technology and its relation to society from the origin of the telegraph to the present. Its emphasis is as much on social as technical change. This support page contains background...
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: Mirror Molecules
Pages at this site use cartoon drawings to explain mirror image molecules.
Smithsonian Institution
National Air and Space Museum: Pioneers of Flight: Civilian Aviation
Even after Lindbergh's famous solo flight, he continued to explore flight and its possibilities. Look inside the Sirius cockpit and then pack up yourself to fly around the world. One problem, however, you only can take on a limited...
Smithsonian Institution
National Air and Space Museum: Explore the Universe
This resource explores the history of the universe and its explorers.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: Picturing Hemingway: A Writer in His Time
Exhibit on Ernest Hemingway includes images and detailed information on his early years, relationships with other authors, the Paris years, middle and later years, and his writings.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: Daguerreotypes by Augustus Washington
Augustus Washington, son of a former slave, learned to make daguerreotypes in 1843 to offset his college expenses, during his freshman year at Dartmouth College. Biographical notes and details about his work are provided in an annotated...
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: A Brush With History: Mark Twain
This portrait of Mark Twain painted by John White Alexander is accompanied by information about the artist himself.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Eudora Welty
Read this brief account of Eudora Welty's place in the pantheon of southern writers.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Pearl Buck
A short discussion of the influence of her experiences in China on Peal Buck's writings. Included is her portrait painted by Vita Solomon.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Maria Callas
Read about Maria Callas, fiery operatic star, and see a portrait of her that was on the cover of Time magazine which was painted by Henry Koerner.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Marian Anderson
A brief, but powerful, biography of Marian Anderson, who broke racial barriers with her beautiful voice. See a portrait of her depicting her concert at the Lincoln Memorial.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Jessie Fauset
Read a brief biography of Jessie Fauset, who was a leader in the Harlem Renaissance. See a portrait of her painted by Laura Wheeler Waring.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Edna Ferber
An account of the works of American writer, Edna Ferber and a photograph of her taken by George Platt Lynes.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Eleanor Roosevelt
A brief account of Eleanor Roosevelt's importance to her husband's administration and agenda. Accompanied by a photograph taken by Lotte Jacobi.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Mary Mc Leod Bethune
A look at Mary McLeod Bethune, African American educator who worked to curb discrimination. Included is a portrait of her painted by Betsy Graves Reyneau.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Amelia Earhart
A portrait of Amelia Earhart in the National Portrait Gallery, finished after her first transatlantic flight. Read a brief description of Earhart's exploits in aviation.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Ethel Barrymore
Ethel Barrymore from the famous family of actors spent sixty years in the theater. Read about her roles and see a portrait of her painted by Paul Helleu.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Isadora Duncan
Information about Isadora Duncan's style of dancing and her popularity in Europe. Included is a photograph taken by Edward Steichen.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Jane Addams
See a portrait of activist Jane Addams painted by American painter, George deForest Brush, and read a brief discussion of Addams' important role as a reformer.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Susan B. Anthony
See a sculptured bust and read a brief biography of Susan B. Anthony, foremost supporter of women's suffrage.
Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery: American Women: Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a fiery advocate for women's rights. Read an account of her actions and see a portrait of her painted by American artist, Anna Klumpke.