Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Kids and Smoking
Gives reasons why kids pick up smoking despite what we know about tobacco. Good information about the social pressures that lead them to begin.
Rader Programs: Media and Eating Disorders
Advertisements, television, and magazines often boast beautiful individuals that make a particular product seem as attractive as the model. This trend has caused many individuals to question their body image and attempt to change it in...
University of Washington
Uw: Alcohol and Tobacco Use in G Rated Animated Movies
This page summarizes a Harvard study about the portrayal of alcohol and tobacco use in animated films geared toward younger audiences. It also summarizes research about films in general and how frequently they show alcohol and tobacco use.
Pbs Teachers: Just Desserts
Identify advertising techniques designed to encourage children to overindulge in unhealthy foods. Explore the motives behind advertising and use your knowledge to think critically about ads all around you. Scroll down to "Just Desserts,"...
Stanford University
Stanford University: Alcohol, Tobacco Staples of Movies
This site from Stanford University shows how you can learn how the entertainment industry sends both positive and negative messages concerning substance use through movies and music. This article summarizes government research that...