Teach Engineering
Come On Over Rover
Introduce your class to the steps that occur in the manufacturing of parts, the assembly, and the testing of a Mars rover. Pupils learn about fabrication techniques and tolerances in the manufacturing process.
Boston University
Boston University: The Paideia Project: Kant, the Body, and Knowledge
Discusses the significance of Kant's interest in cosmology and Newtonian mechanics. Relates Kant's beliefs about how mind and body interacted to his more influential epistemology. Article has a historical perspective and is quite readable.
Aromatherapy is the use of natural and high quality plant essential oils to enhance the health of body and mind, and to treat disorders.
Boise Art Museum
The Boise Art Museum has an online gallery, organized according to "form, story telling, spirit, and place." Each enlargeable image has accompanying text. A special area for kids focuses on two artists.
Stanford University
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Pantheism
Excellent, in-depth article from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy introducing the metaphysical beliefs and religious practices of pantheism. Pantheism is treated as both a philosophy and a religion. Author consider arguments and...
Hinduwebsite: Belief in Soul
A description of the Hindu conception of the soul, which is known as Atman.
US Food and Drug Administration
U.s. Food and Drug Administration: Aromatherapy
This government agency article states its view of aromatherapy and the claims of its effectiveness in promoting health.
Mars Exploration Rovers Special Update: Opportunity's Findings at Endeavour
Learn more about the Mars Exploration Rovers' missions by checking out this informative resource. If offers many pictures as well.
Pbs: Nova: Anatomy of a Space Rover
Take a closer look at the space robots Spirit and Opportunity, and their scientific instruments used for exploring the surface of Mars.
American Holistic Health Association
The American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) provides information on holistic medicine and promotes its use in standard medical practices.
Bartleby.com: "Litany to the Holy Spirit.," by Robert Herrick
"Litany to the Holy Spirit," by Robert Herrick, from "The Oxford Book of English Verse: 1250-1900." There are no notes or citations about the poem or poet, just the poem.
The Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy
The Institute of Integrative Aromatherapy offers a certificate program for people who want to be practitioners in aromatherapy.
Nasa Space Place: The Mars Rovers
Learn why rovers are important and details about the Sojourner, Spirit, Opportunity, Curiosity, and Perseverance.