Odyssey of the Mind: Digging for Clues
Students explore archeology, dating methods, and the skills and technology needed to be an archeologist through the three activities provided. Activities require research of a historical period, class discussion and creative thinking.
Odyssey of the Mind: Up to Speed
Students "learn about vehicles, velocity, angles, and energy," as they participate in a variety of creative and hands-on activities, like building adjustable ramps, researching modes of transportation, and predicting "what transportation...
Odyssey of the Mind: Tug O War
Students work in groups as they use everyday objects (tissue, toothpicks, mailing label, straw, rubberband, Styrofoam cup, paper) to create "links that will be joined together to form a chain in a tug-of-war."
Odyssey of the Mind: Tower of Pasta
Students work in groups to create a structure out of various types of pasta that will be tested on both height and strength.
Odyssey of the Mind: Air Express
Students use test their creativity and logic in the science-class activity through which they create a device that is powered by a deflating balloon.