Tampa Bay Business Journal: Leeches and Maggots and Medicine, Oh My!
This brief article explains how leeches are used in microsurgery to assist in the reattachment of body parts.
Tm Program: Transcendental Meditation Scientific Research
Scientific research on the health benefits associated with Transcendental Meditation. Over 30 years and 500 studies verify its effectiveness.
National Institutes of Health
Complementary & Alternative Medicine News and Events
The news & events supplicd by the national Center for Complementary & Alternative Medicine covers a broad rand of healing philosophies, approaches, and therapies not commonly used by traditional Western medicine.
Scientific American
Scientific American: Smart People Believe Weird Things
This article, published by Scientific American (September 2002), explores how smart people can believe weird and silly things. The article comes to the conclusion that our beliefs are shaped more by our environment than our understanding...
Flora Dowling: Effectiveness of Acupuncture
Information on acupuncture's effectiveness in many areas such as allergies, infertility, tiredness, arthritis, and many others. Click topic to read desired information.