New Advent
Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Caedmon
Here is detailed information on Caedmon, author of biblical poems. The information is mostly taken from what Bede wrote about him, telling of his life, his poetry, and the scholarly debate about his works. Please note that "The Catholic...
Bartleby Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Caedmon's Hymn
In addition to good background information and commentary, this site provides Bede's actual text on Caedmon. Link to bibliography information and related works.
Then Again
Then Again: Web Chron: The Venerable Bede
This NorthPark University site provides information regarding the life and works of St. Bede, "the father of English church history."
Wikipedia: Caedmon
Wikipedia offers biographical information on Anglo Saxon poet, Caedmon, including "Caedmon's Hymn of Creation."
Study Questions: Ecclesiastical History & Caedmon's Hymn
Medieval English literature course study questions that provides excellent critical thinking on Bede's "Ecclesiastical History of the English People" and Caedmon's "Hymn."
Bartleby Old English Christian Poetry Caedmon's Hymn
Bartleby's encyclopedia entry for the Old English poem Caedmon's Hymn. From The Cambridge History of English and American Literature.