Illustrations of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Find a complete catalog of the color plates of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by many different artists. Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" dominated the list of fantasy books in England in the 1800s.
Jean Ingelow's "Songs of Seven"
Read Jean Ingelow's collection of poems entitled "Songs of Seven" that had a significant impact on England's 19th century culture.
University of Pennsylvania
Project Gutenberg: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
At this site from the Project Gutenberg you can choose the format that suits you best to download or read the entire work.
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pittsburgh: Charles Perrault's Mother Goose Tales
Charles Perrault gave these tales "literary legitimacy" when he wrote them down and published them. Read about Perrault and read his stories that swept across England in the 1800s.