National Museum of Nuclear Science & History
Nuclear Popcorn
Make your instructional activity on radioactive decay pop with this lab exercise. Using popcorn kernels spread over a tabletop, participants pick up all of those that point toward the back of the room, that is, those that represent...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Career Profile: Physicist
Physicist as a career is a very broad spectrum. This site from Science Buddies relates the general requirements and education needed to be a physicist and lists the many sub-fields in which physicists can specialize. Included is a video...
University of Birmingham: The Nuclear Physics Group
This is the website of the Nuclear Physics Group at the University of Birmingham. There is information on research, degrees, seminars, etc.
Atomic Archive
Atomic Archive: Nuclear Test Sites
From the Atomic Archive - the online companion to the award-winning CD-ROM. This page includes an interactive Shockwave movie which allows visitors to explore the prevalence of global test sites for nuclear weapons from the mid 1940s to...
Texas A&M University
The Cyclotron Institute
What is a cyclotron and what does it have to do with atomic physics. Go to this site and find the answers to all your questions.
University of California
Ucla: Irene Joliot Curie (1897 1956 )
Site includes the titles of publications authored by nuclear physicist Irene Joliot-Curie, as well as her complete resume.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Nuclear Physics and Elementary Particles
This interactive unit will take students up close and personal with the nuclei of atoms as they discover some of their more intimate process. These will include radioactive decay, nuclear fission, and nuclear fusion.
Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics
The FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) is one of the five national research institutes of the Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM). The research at AMOLF is focused on selected areas of atomic,...
Nobel Media AB
The Nobel Prize: Irene Joliot Curie Biographical
This site from The Nobel Foundation includes the speech that was given by Irene Curie in accepting the Nobel prize.
University of Michigan
Department of Nuclear Engineering at U of M
This is the website of the Department of Nuclear Engineering at University of Michigan. There a links to academics, research, degree programs, etc.
Atomic Physic at Lund University
Lund University's on atomic physics. The site is quite comprehensive with information on projects, research, publications, reports, external sites, etc.
Texas A&M University
Texas a & M University: Nuclear Engineering
This is the website for the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Texas A & M University. It focuses on the Nuclear Engineering program, and current news about the field.
MadSci Network
Msn: What Happens in a Nuclear Reaction?
From The Mad Scientist Network web site. Using a question and answer format, this page discusses three types of nuclear reactions - spontaneous decay reactions, nuclear fision reactions, and nuclear fusion reactions. Each reaction type...
MadSci Network
Msn: What Regulates the Speed of Hydrogen Fusion?
From the Mad Scientist Network web site. Using a question and answer format, this page describes the various types of fusion processes and the physical requirements needed for their initiation and sustenance. Factors affecting the rates...
MadSci Network
Msn: How Would You Explain the Process?
From the Mad Scientist Network web site. Using a question and answer format, this page explains the differences between nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. The details of each process are sketched in simple language.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Flash Animations for Physics
This site boasts an extensive list of physics animations that cover topics such as electricity, magnetism, quantum mechanics, and relativity. Variables can be manipulated for each demonstration.
American Association of Physics Teachers
Com Padre Digital Library: Physics to Go: Explore Physics on Your Own
Contains a full physics curriculum with links to games, webcasts, and activities. By creating a free account, students and teachers can create their own personal collection of resources.
Atomic Archive
Atomic Archive: Example Scenario: New York Example
From the Atomic Archive - the online companion to the award-winning CD-ROM. This page (and the several that follow from it) paint a picture of the events which would occur if an H-bomb was dropped pon New York City. The effect of the...
Federation of American Scientists
Fas: Memorial Tribute for Luis W. Alvarez
Read a tribute to Hispanic-American scientist and Nobel Peace prize winner, Luis Alvarez by a fellow scientist. He gives a very detailed account of his life.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Otto Haxel
Learn about Otto Haxel's life and scientific discoveries in this article.
Environmental Engineering: Graduate School Directories
This is a website with links to schools offering graduate programs in Nuclear Engineering.
Atomic Archive
Atomic Archive: Nuclear Fusion
From the Atomic Archive - the online companion to the award-winning CD-ROM. This page defines nuclear fusion and depicts the process by an informative diagram. Includes numerical values which describe the typical energy values for fusion...
Walter Fendt
Walter Fendt: Apps Zur Physik
This site, in German, offers numerous apps that illustrate common physics principles. Apps are organized into categories: mechanics, oscillations and waves, electrodynamics, optics, thermodynamics, the theory of relativity, physics of...
American Physical Society: Division of Nuclear Physics
This is the homepage of the American Physical Society's Division of Nuclear Physics. There are links to information on careers, research, degree programs, etc.