Science Struck
Science Struck: 8 Albert Einstein Inventions That Impacted the World
Describes the refrigerator invented by Einstein and many of his discoveries in physics.
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Environmental Health & Safety: Jean Frederic and Irene Joliot Curie
This is the story of the careers of Jean Frederic Joliot and Irene Curie.
MadSci Network
Msn: What Is Required to Initiate a Fusion Reaction?
From the Mad Scientist Network web site. Using a question and answer format, this page provides a thorough discussion of fusion reactions. Fusion and fission are compared and contrasted and the mechanisms which must occur to initiate and...
National Museum of Science and Industry (UK)
Ingenious: Atomic and Nuclear Physics Images
This series of images is a combined collection of over three museums' collections of atomic and nuclear physics images. The images are sorted by pages with about nine images per page and three pages.
Georgia State University
Georgia State University: Hyper Physics: Nuclear Fusion
This site from Georgia State University provides a lengthy page with a thorough description of the fusion process. Discussion is complemented by excellent graphics and links to further information.