Class Flow: Odds and Evens With Dominos
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students can sort dominos into three different categories. The page can be cleared to start again by using the reset button. Great center activity
Class Flow: One More and One Less
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students investigate adding and subtracting 1 from a number practicing with the more and less terms. This flipchart can easily be modified to use larger more or less numbers. This is a...
Class Flow: Penny and Dice Game
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a game using the dice tool and pennies to practice addition and counting. Students start out playing with one partner and one die. Later you can increase the partners up to four. This...
Class Flow: Puzzles & Starters 1234 Puzzle
[Free Registration/Login Required] Using the numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4, students use appropriate order of operations to find as many equations from 1-100 as possible.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammatical Category Quiz
A ten-question quiz about grammatical categories including: number, case, gender, person, tense, aspect, mood, voice, and degree.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammatical Category
An explanation of grammatical categories including: number, case, gender, person, tense, aspect, mood, voice, and degree. A link to a grammatical categories quiz is also available.
Class Flow: Filling in the Number Line
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students can practice their counting skills. The teacher can model first filling in the empty spaces on the number line with the pen tool. After modeling you can clear the pages with...
Class Flow: Matching Numbers to Words
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart allows students use the pen tool to draw lines to connect the number and the term that match. Use this flipchart in addition to your lesson or as a center activity.
Class Flow: Math Investigation
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson students will investigate the effect of varying the starting number with the same route versus varying the route with the same starting number and investigate the effect of applying the...
Can Teach
Can Teach: Math Centers
This page offers a variety of math center ideas for general math and geometry. Instructions on setting up the center are not provided for most ideas, however, those lacking instructions are pretty self-evident.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Writing Numbers
This lesson goes over the formatting rules for using numbers in text.
Fantastic Fortune Teller Game One Stop English
Teach pre-school and early primary ELL students animal names and numbers with this fun activity. Instructions and a downloadable copy of the the 'fortune teller' tool (a variation of a cootie catcher) are included.
Class Flow: Place Value Ones and Tens
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart helps students identify the actual values of ones and tens. By the end of the lesson, students will recognize the numeric representations of values from 1-99.
Tech Target
What Is: Exponential Function
A good site explaining the exponential function. The site has links to related topics
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Connect the Dots (Number Sequencing and Letter Recognition Games)
Make pictures by counting by ones, by fives, and by counting backwards or by putting letters of the alphabet in the correct order.
History is Fun
Jan Brett: Matching Numbers and Amounts Flashcards for 1 20 Pdf
Print out these colorfully illustrated PDF file pages to practice matching the number with the correct amounts. Cut the cards into two parts. One side has the number while the other side has an illustration with an object that shows the...
History is Fun
Jan Brett: Number Tracing Pages 0 10 Pdf
Print out these colorfully illustrated PDF file pages for each of the numbers 0-10. Each card shows the numeral and clever artwork that shows the amount for that numeral. Below that is a work area to practice tracing over the numerals...
Quia: Counting to 8
This website for young children gives them practice counting cute objects up to 8 and gives them positive feedback as they work their way through the activity.
Quia: Counting to 9
This website for young children allows them to practice counting objects up to 9, and it gives them positive feedback as they work their way through the activity.