Exploratorium: Cern: Antimatter
A wonderfully written non-technical introduction to antimatter, as well as a brief discussion of the investigation into the asymmetry between the quantities of matter and antimatter observed in our universe.
Exploratorium: Cern: The Proton Synchotron
From CERN, the world's largest particle accelerator, this site contains a description of the Proton Synchotron, a device used to accelerate protons for use in other machines in the accelerator complex.
Exploratorium: Cern: The Antiproton Decelerator
Explains the function of the Antiproton Decelerator, a device at the European Center for Nuclear Research used to "slow down" bunches of antiprotons for use in experiments.
Exploratorium: Cern: Experiments With Antimatter
A description of the two primary experiments conducted at CERN on antimatter: ASACUSA, an attempt to form "Atomcules," using antiprotons; and ATHENA, an experiment to compare the properties of hydrogen and antihydrogen.
Exploratorium: Cern: Linear Accelerator
From CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research, this site provides a brief description of the physics underlying how a linear accelerator works.
Exploratorium: Cern: Accelerate the Particle
Contains a game which illustrates the manner in which changing electromagnetic fields can accelerate charged particles in a linear accelerator.