Curated OER
Unit 13 - Version 6.0 - Worksheet 1 - Algebra Equation
In this algebra equation worksheet, students read story problems, write algebraic equations and solve for the unknown. This one-page worksheet contains four problems involving total length, total cost, and figuring tax.
Curated OER
In this pictographs instructional activity, 7th graders solve 6 different problems related to the pictograph shown at the top of the sheet. First, they pretend that they counted birds and their numbers are represented in the pictograph....
Curated OER
Addition & Subtraction
In this addition and subtraction worksheet, students solve 4 different types of problems that include adding and subtracting numbers. First, they write addition or subtraction about each picture. Then, students write the correct...
Curated OER
Sums of 3, 4, and 5
In this basic mathematics worksheet, students add each of the colored buttons to get their answer. They use addition to solve each of the 16 problems on the sheet.
Curated OER
Three Digit Multiplication
In this mathematics instructional activity, students solve a number of problems by multiplying a three-digit number times a four or five digit number. There are 16 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Order of Operations Showdown
In this mathematics worksheet, students solve a number of various problems by applying the rules of the order of operations. The divide, multiply, add, subtract where necessary. There are 12 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Addition Speed Drill
In this mathematics worksheet, 1st graders solve a number of problems by adding a single digit number to other single digit numbers and timing how long it takes to complete the drill. There are 45 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Using Counters to Add
In this mathematics worksheet, 1st graders use circles to write how many there are of two numbers altogether. Then the read a problem and identify what they need to complete it.
Curated OER
Dividing Decimals (D)
In this mathematics worksheet, students solve a number of problems by dividing decimals. They show each step of the process taken to solve the problems. There are 12 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Add and Subtract Decimal Ten Thousandths (A)
In this mathematics instructional activity, students solve a number of problems by adding and subtracting decimals to the ten thousandths place. There are 32 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
One Digit Times Three Digits
In this mathematics worksheet, learners solve a number of problems by multiplying a one digit number times a three digit number and carrying when necessary. There are 30 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Subtraction with Three Digits
In this mathematics worksheet, students solve a number of problems by subtracting three-digit numbers from other three-digit numbers. There are 30 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Two-Digit by One-Digit Multiplication (A)
In this mathematics worksheet, learners solve numerous multiplication problems by multiplying a two-digit number by a one-digit number, including zero. There are 64 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Multiplying up to 12 by 7 (A)
In this mathematics worksheet, 3rd graders solve numerous problems by multiplying each up to 12 by 7, including zero. There are 36 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Multiplying up to 12 by 12 (A)
In this mathematics worksheet, students solve numerous problems by multiplying up to 12 times 12. There are 36 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Money Addition (A)
In this mathematics worksheet, students solve a number of money problems by adding a decimal to another decimal. There are 20 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Operations with Integers (A)
In this mathematics instructional activity, students solve various problems by following the rules for operations with integers. There are 28 problems to solve on the sheet that include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division...
Curated OER
Two-Digit Numbers Ending in 8 or 7
In this mathematics instructional activity, students circle the dots to form a complete ten and compare their problem to the one with just ones' digits. Then they add each problem and write down the corresponding problem with just the...
Curated OER
In this math worksheet, learners work through word problems and select the correct answer from possible multiple choice responses. They identify the difference between less than and more than, and in between. Students also estimate to...
Curated OER
How Many?
In this mathematics worksheet, students count the number of objects in each group illustrated. Then they write how many in the box to the right.
Curated OER
Multiplying 11 (A)
In this mathematics worksheet, 3rd graders solve numerous problems by multiplying a two-digit number by a single digit number. They carry-over and add when necessary.
Curated OER
Multiplying to 81 (A)
In this mathematics worksheet, 3rd graders solve numerous problems by multiplying single digit numbers by each other for facts up to 81. They identify that any number times zero is zero when multiplying.
Curated OER
Multiplication Word Problems
In this multiplication worksheet, 5th graders identify which expression matches the story and explain why. Then they write a numerical expression for each and solve the word problem.
Curated OER
Money Problems
In this mathematics worksheet, 4th graders use the table given to find the total amount of money at home. Then they use the inventory that a store gave to solve each of the problems that follows. Students also solve for n.