Smithsonian Institution
National Air and Space Museum: Apollo 13
This site contains facts and images pertaining to the crew, spacecraft, and mission of Apollo 13.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Cyclops
Find out the background of the mythical cyclops from Greek mythology. It might surprise you! Flashcard format.
Read Works
Read Works: Archaeologists Hit a Homer Run
[Free Registration/Login Required] An informational text about a sarcophagus found by archaeologists in Asia. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
Read Works
Read Works: Archeologists Hit a Homer Run
[Free Registration/Login Required] A literary text about a sarcophagus with a colorful depiction of a scene from The Odyssey found in Asia. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in reading comprehension.
National Earth Science Teachers Association
Windows to the Universe: Mythology Hangman
Test your knowledge of world mythology by playing Mythology Hangman, a Java applet and website that features images, maps, and descriptions for beginner, intermediate, and advanced students. It is a great resource to supplement mythology...
A Tale for All Ages: The Odyssey
This PBS site features a note on the popularity of Robert Fagles's translation of Homer's Odyssey.
Steven Kreis, PhD
The History Guide: Homer and the Greek Renaissance
Presents a clear, readable summary of ancient Greek history from the Archaic period through the Renaissance which included Homer's epic poems. Explains major historical events and cultural trends as background for those reading Homeric...
Vancouver Island University
The Legend of the Trojan War
Brief account of several different older versions of the Trojan War story, arranged in chronological sequence.
Wikipedia: Odysseus
Detailed encyclopedia article for Odysseus, known for his guile and resourcefulness, the hero of Homer's Odyssey, and a major character in the Iliad. He is most famous for the ten years it took him to return home from the Trojan War.
Hephaistos: God of the Smith
This site does a nice job of detailing Hephaistos' appearance in both The Iliad and The Odyssey. There is not any additional bibliography.
Lampstand Press: Tapestry of Grace: Sample Literary Analysis Paper [Pdf]
Lampstand Press: Tapestry of Grace: Sample Literary Analysis Paper An example of a two-page literary analysis paper on the Odyssey including parenthetical citations and a works cited entry.
Encyclopedia Mythica
Encyclopedia Mythica: Odysseus
This encyclopedia entry for the main character in Homer's Odyssey, Odysseus, includes hypertext links to additional encyclopedia entries on related topics.
Ducksters: Quiz: Homer's Odyssey for Kids
History Questions: Odyssey Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Ancient Greek Literature
History for Kids presents an overview of literature, libraries and the art of writing in ancient Greece. Students can glimpse a sample of the Greek Alphabet and learn about the epics that are still read today. Includes teacher resources.
Open Library of the Internet Archive
Open Library: Odyssey
This ebook version of Homer's "Odyssey" has been made available in multiple formats by the Open Library. Editions of the full novel, organized by year of publication, may be accessed here.
Class Flow: Intro to Odyssey
[Free Registration/Login Required] Greek and Roman mythology come alive as students follow Odysseus's journey. Epic poetry and heroes are introduced.
TES Global
Blendspace: Monsters of the Odyssey
A learning module that includes links to images of fourteen different monsters found in Homer's The Odyssey.
Quizlet: Allusions Quiz
This interactive assessment features 11 multiple choice questions over the vocabulary words related to mythological allusions.
Quizlet: Allusions: Flashcards
This set of interactive flashcards focuses on 11 vocabulary words related to mythological allusions.
Ducksters: Ancient Greece for Kids: Homer's Odyssey
Learn about an epic poem about the hero Odysseus and his journey home on this site. Read more information about Homer's Odyssey here.