Read Write Think: Write Talks: Students Discover Real Writers/audiences/purposes
There's a world of writers out there, and in this instructional activity students discover them as they listen to presentations from local writers and learn about what, why, and how they write in their day-to-day lives.
Read Write Think: Lesson Plan: Reading Fluency Through Oral Interpretation
An online instructional activity for middle school young scholars concerning learning reading fluency through oral interpretation. Students read poetry aloud in presentation-form and work together at interpreting the poem, increasing...
Read Write Think: Oral Presentation Rubric [Pdf]
This reproducible resource provides an assessment rubric to be used with students' oral presentations. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.4
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Alone: Research for Survival
This role-playing lesson enhances students' creativity and develops critical thinking skills. Small groups of students conduct Internet research on the skills necessary to survive when marooned on a Pacific island. Groups present their...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Gossip to Learn: A Juicy Approach to Research
Though teachers might use this student-centered, technology-based, one or two-day research project to introduce any author, English 12 teachers may wish to use the lesson to jump-start a unit on British literature from the Romantic...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Powerpointing to Your Career
This exercise is used as the culmination of a career research project. This is a technology-based, interdisciplinary project which requires students to do Internet research and prepare a slideshow presentation. If a career is not used as...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Appreciation of Literature Through Newbery Books
Students will select a Newbery Medal Award book to read. They will complete one of three projects to reflect understanding of the chosen book. Their projects will be presented to the class in an effort to entice other students to read...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: And Then There Were None: Casting the Characters
Students will work in pairs to cast their own movie version of the novel. Students must have a knowledge of the characters and setting from the novel. Casting of the characters must correlate with the character traits mentioned in the book.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Movie Madness
This language arts projects motivates students through being a movie-based project. This lesson will have a duration of five days. The students will view a movie of their choice and analyze the movie to complete a chart listing literary...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: The Challenges of the Great Plains Farmer
Students will work in groups of four to create presentations using their research on a particular farming invention that was created from (1837-1867) and also research specific elements about life on the Great Plains. Each group's...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: A Long Way From Chicago: Web Search
Used as an introduction to the reading of Richard Peck's book, A Long Way From Chicago, this lesson is designed to familiarize students with topics that help them to better understand the setting of the novel. Students search the...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Me in a Box
For this lesson, students identify personality traits and collect items that represents these traits. Students guess the items that belong to each student and then give oral presentations to reveal their items to the class.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Oral Presentation of Favorite Celebrity
Using the Internet to research facts about a favorite celebrity, students gain the organizational and oral presentation skills needed to successfully deliver an effective speech and slideshow presentation.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Family History (Lesson Plan)
In this A to Z Teacher Stuff instructional activity, students research information about their family history, record it, and then present it orally to the class.
TES Global
Blendspace: Parts of a Presentation Class
A twenty-one-part learning module including links to texts, images, and websites on how to give a presentation in class.
How to Study: Study Skills Topic Pages
Frustrated with study habits that don't work? Change your approach in a few easy steps.