University of Michigan
University of Michigan: The Big Bang It Sure Was Big!
A detailed examination of "what is known about the Big Bang itself, the age of the universe, and the synthesis of the first atoms."
American Scientist: Author Interview: Neil De Grasse Tyson
Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson has made "Popularizing science a personal passion." Tyson's latest book, Origins, is the starting point here for a discussion of dark matter, intelligent life in our solar system, the possibility of...
Big History Project: Chapter 1: The Universe
Chapter 1 of Big History Project, learning module introduces history from the origins of the Universe. Site contains adaptable classroom material geared toward middle and high school students, including informational text, engaging...
Nasa: Astrophysics
This colorful study looks at how our universe was formed and how others can be formed. It also contains beautiful images of various formations in our own universe.
Bbc: Origin of the Universe
Try this introduction to ideas about how the universe began and how it might end. Topics include; the big bang and its echoes, antimatter, and inflation/expansion of the universe.
Nova: History of the Universe
This interactive timeline provides information on the big bang as well as other major events of universe evolution. It also provides predictions about the universe's future.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Glossary: The Future
A helpful glossary to terms in the Big History Project.