
Bbc: History: Wetwang: Story of a Dig

For Students 9th - 10th
This multipart site offers more information about the burial mound, gives history on chariots in the Iron Age, offers a learning game where the student reconstructs the chariot, and a final quiz.

Bbc: History: British Prehistory

For Students 9th - 10th
Site from BBC contains information on the Britons, the Tribes of Britain, the Mummies of Cladh Hallan, Life in an Iron Age Village, and more information on the prehistoric British Isles. Archived.

Bbc History: Ancient History: British Prehistory: Peoples of Britain

For Students 9th - 10th
This site gives a thorough history of the early people of Britain, beginning before the Romans and continuing through the Dark Ages. Archived.