Number Nut: More or Less: Comparing Values Less Than Thirty Cents
Compare two groups of coins and determine which group is worth more or less than the other. Money values are less than thirty cents. Words, not inequality signs, are used to compare the values. Score is kept as you go through activity.
Number Nut: Subtracting Money Under Ten Dollars
Find the difference between two money amounts. Values are expressed in decimal form, not coins. There are ten random questions.
Number Nut: Count the Quarters
Count the number of quarters and determine the total value of the coins. Pictures of quarters are shown which will help students recognize coins. There are ten random questions in this quiz/activity.
Number Nut: Count the Pennies
Use this online quiz to count the pennies and find the total value of the money. Answers are in multiple choice format, and the total score is shown as you answer each question. The questions are generated randomly.
Number Nut: Count the Nickels
Count the number of nickels and find the total value of the coins. Pictures of nickels are shown. There are ten random questions.
Number Nut: Count the Fifty Cent Pieces
Find the total amount of money by counting the fifty cent coins. The quiz is multiple choice and your score is recorded. The questions are generated at random, so you can take the quiz over and over again!
Number Nut: Count the Dollar Coins
Count the number of dollar coins and find the total value of the money. This online quiz shows the total score as you go through the activity. The questions are randomly generated.
Number Nut: Count the Dimes
Take this online quiz to practice counting money. Find the total value of the number of dimes shown and select the correct answer. Questions are generated randomly so you can take the quiz over again.
Number Nut: Adding Values Less Than Thirty Cents
Add the money amount and coins to find the total value of the money. There are ten questions generated randomly.
Number Nut: Adding Money Under One Dollar
Find the total value of the coins and add to the dollar amount shown. There are ten random questions. This activity helps students to recognize coins.
Number Nut: Adding Money Under Ten Dollars
Add money amounts under ten dollars. Numbers, not coins, are used in this activity. The decimals are lined up for you in the problem. There are ten random questions.
Number Nut: Is There Enough? Values Under Thirty Cents
Count the coins and decide whether you have enough money to buy the object. Money value is less than thirty cents. There are ten random questions.
Number Nut: Is There Enough Money to Buy the Object?
Count the number of coins and determine if there is enough money to buy the object. Money value is less than one dollar. There are ten random questions.
Number Nut: Counting Coins With Values Under One Dollar
Choose the correct group of coins whose sum is the amount shown. Four groups are shown per questions. There are ten random questions.
Number Nut: Counting Coins
Practice recognizing and counting coins. Count the total number of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters to find the value of the coins. Total score is shown throughout the activity and questions are generated randomly.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Money Bags
Practice your problem solving skills while you help Ram figure out how many pennies to put in each bag. The solution is right on this one page website.
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Omaha: Why We Save [Pdf]
Why do people need to save money? This lesson plan is geared for Kindergarten through 2nd grade and helps students understand the reasons for saving.