Media Smarts
Making Media for Democratic Citizenship
Pupils analyze global issues. In this video podcasting lesson plan, pupils research Internet and print sources regarding selected global development issues. Pupils plan and create video podcasts that feature their research findings.
I Tunes Store for Podcasts
Both students and teachers can find podcasts that can be subscribed to, or downloaded to a computer or any MP3 playing device. Most are free and those that carry a fee are clearly marked. The best place to start is under the Education...
Learn Out Loud
Learn Out Loud: Free Audio & Video Directory
Features free podcasts and audio and video resources students and adults. Most audio titles can be downloaded in digital formats such as MP3, and most video titles are available to stream online. It includes books, lectures, speeches,...
What Is Vodcasting?
An article about the meaning of podcasting with a special link to Juice, an aggregator, better known as a podcatcher.