2001 Waka for Japan 2001: Minamoto No Shunrai
Brief biography of Minamoto no Shunrai, also known as Minamot no Toshiyori, an eleventh century Japanese poet. Also available are ten of his poems, in the original Japenes, in Japanese transcribed into the Roman alphabet, and translated...
Columbia University
Asia for Educators: What Is a Waka?
This large, wonderful site includes so much information on Asia that it is hard to showcase each element. It is easiest to enter Waka into the keyword box in order to access all the provided information. You will find an essay that...
University of Virginia
Univ. Of Virginia: A Note on the English Translation
Scroll down this essay from the Universtiy of Virginia to find a transliteration and several translations of a short poem by Ki no Tsurayuki. It is interesting to note the differing interpretations. Be sure to click on the "contents"...