Curated OER
U.S. History: Native American Conflicts
Eleventh graders discuss the wars with the Plains Indians and the subsequent cultural difficulties of assimilation. Part of the lesson examines the clash of cultures and beliefs about land ownership. Prior to taking a quiz, 11th...
Indigenous Peoples' Literature: Chief Sitting Bull
This site is an excellent resource on Sitting Bull. Not only does it include some famous quotes by him and an overview of his life, but it also contains a first-person account of his life which contains many interesting obscure facts and...
Colorado College: Tutt Library: Helen Hunt Jackson Papers
Site includes a biography, chronology, and collection of writings of and about Helen Hunt Jackson.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Camping With the Sioux: Fieldwork Diary of Alice Fletcher
A fascinating site that presents the story of Alice Fletcher who traveled to Dakota Territory to live with Sioux women. Click on dates on the calendar for diary entries. Also includes historic photo gallery.
Michigan State University
Michigan State University: Msu Libraries: American Radicalism
The American Radicalism Collection holds over 17,000 items. It includes books, pamphlets, periodicals, posters, and ephemeral material covering a wide range of viewpoints on political, social, and economic issues in America. The emphasis...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Native Voices: Ghost Dance Songs
A Native American Paiute man known as Wovoka, after seeing a vision, started the Ghost Dance religion which had many songs to carry on its oral tradition. Click on the tab "Ghost Dance Songs Activities" to explore activities and photos.
Library of Congress
Loc: Immigration: Destroying the Native American Cultures
Detailed and extensive account of the plight of Native Americans during the westward growth of America. Includes maps, audio recordings, authentic letters, speeches,a great timeline, and much more.
Denver Post P Log: Wounded Knee, 1890 1973 in Photos
Fifty-seven photos that document the painful history of Wounded Knee from just before the massacre in 1891 up to its occupation in 1973 by the American Indian Movement. Some of the battle images are quite graphic and should be previewed...
Digital History
Digital History: The Native American Power Movement
This Digital History essay provides an excellent summary of the plight of the American Indian and their fight in the civil rights era.
University of Missouri
Famous Trials: The Dakota Conflict Trials of 1862
This site offers an in-depth study of the 1862 Sioux uprising. The framed web pages offer a chronology of the uprising , a cartoon history, pages of maps, biographies of key figures, accounts of the trials and the execution, an...
Have Fun With History
Have Fun With History: Native Americans
Learning module for students and teachers exploring the history of Native Americans can watch videos and link to resources including Living History site or American History Museum.
Old West: Wounded Knee
A good set of images and background on Wounded Knee can be found on this site. Statistics on the battle are provided as well.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Others Demand Equality
Many other groups learned how to push for their civil rights from African Americans' civil rights movement. Read about the Mexican Americans, Native Americans, and gays as they worked to achieve equal treatment under the law.
Countries and Their Cultures
Countries and Their Cultures: Multicultural America: Sioux
Provides an overview of the traditional culture and lifestyle of the Sioux, a Native American tribe. (Note: Content is not the most current.)
Alcatraz Is Not an Island: Indian Activisim
Part of a larger PBS site about Altcatraz and the Indian protest movement, this outlines the various AIM and Red Power actions to bring to the front Native American problems and to push for basic civil rights.
Common Lit: Text Sets: Native American History
This is a collection of 27 Grade-Leveled texts (4-12) on the topic Native American History. Before European settlers came to North America, millions of native people lived in many unique societies. Explore the history of Native Americans...
Country Studies US
Country Studies: The Plight of the Indians
This site explains how as westward expansion grew, more and more Indians encountered settlers, ranchers and miners who sought life, land, and riches out West. Conflicts between settlers and Indians soon involved the federal government...
Curated OER
National Park Service: The Indian Memorial Peace Through Unity
Memorial for the Battle of Little Bighorn, a clash of Native and white cultures, which changed both forever.
Pbs the West: Lakota Accounts of the Massacre at Wounded Knee
This PBS site offers excerpts from the report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for 1891 on the events of the Massare at Wounded Knee in 1890.
Pbs the West: Big Foot (?? 1890)
This article focuses on the massacre of Chief Big Foot and his followers at the Massacre of Wounded Knee.
Cyber Learning World: A Brief Look at the Massacre of Wounded Knee
Read an interesting article on the massacre at Wounded Knee written in an engaging way by a high school social studies teacher.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Massacre at Wounded Knee, 1890
This article provides information about the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Gives background information on why and how the battle happened and includes a first-hand account of what occurred at the battle from an interpreter for the Army who...
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Closing the Frontier
A brief look at the conflict between Native Americans in the last half of the 19th century. By the end of the century, Native Americans were relegated to reservation life. See how the struggle was fought and find out the advantages of...
Curated OER
Wikipedia: National Historic Landmarks in South Dakota: Wounded Knee
An image of Wounded Knee.