University of Maryland
Umbc/plant Growth and Development
A good description of the growth and changes in plants from the seed through the adult plant. College level discussion that includes the chemicals involved in the regulation of plant growth.
University of Hamburg
University of Hamburg: Photoperiodism and Stimulation
A good summary of the photoperiodic effects of plants. Discussion of the way that the length of the day effects the growth of plants.
Biology Pages
Kimball's Biology Pages: Transportation in Plants
A very good explanation of the processes of water transport in plants. Includes graphics that accompany this very detailed explanation.
McGraw Hill
Mhhe: Plant Growth and Growth Regulators
A very good overview of the hormonal control of plant responses to different environmental cues. Good place to start research.
Ohio State University
General Plant Biology: Development: Flowering to Senescence
A good overview of the development of plants. Includes a section on the dormancy of plants that covers the basics.
Iowa State University
Iowa State University: How a Corn Plant Develops
The Iowa State University provides a good description of the development of an important crop plant. The overview compares favorably with the development of any plant.
NC State University
Horticulture Information Leaflets: Overcoming Seed Dormancy: Trees and Shrubs
Good list of examples of how dormancy in tree seeds can be overcome. In the discussion, you'll pick up a fair amount about dormancy in plants.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Extension: In Search of Green Life
A very simple introduction to the various types of growth and reproductive styles of common plants.