Federal Reserve Bank
Time Inconsistency: Today’s Actions = Tomorrow’s Regrets
Why do we choose instant gratification over maximizing lifetime satisfaction? How is this reflected in government and macroeconomics? Learn how one research analyst proposes individuals and governments can accomplish greater lifetime...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Success Skills: Time Management
This lesson focuses on time management for college students but is perfect for high school students as they prepare for college. It discusses time management strategies and styles, procrastination and strategies to avoid it, how to make...
Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech: Time Management, Study Skills
This site from the Virginia Tech University contains a link to "time management strategies for improving academic performance". By clicking on this link, a step by step course in managing time better will show up. A very interesting site...
Total Success Courses: Time Management Training
This site from Total Success Courses briefly discusses time management and lists some "Time Stealers" that waste your time.
Donald Clark
Leadership: Time Management
This resource contains information on time management and strategies that help can help you to become better at it.