Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: The Interrupter
Printable information is provided that demonstrates how to identify an interrupter in the context of a sentence.
English Club
English Club: When Do We Use Capital Letters
This EnglishClub resource provides eleven instances in which using capital letters is necessary. Several examples are provided with each of the eleven rules.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: How Misused Modifiers Can Hurt Your Writing
Emma Bryce navigates the sticky world of misplaced, dangling and squinting modifiers. [3:21]
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Common Mistakes
This interactive exercise provides eight questions for students. Students will identify verb errors and sentence fragments.
New Vista High School: Guideline for Combining Sentences
This document explains the difference between simple, compound, and complex sentences and when each should be used.
Rhl School: English Basics: Real Sentences
How do you know that a group of words is really a sentence? This resource features examples of complete and incomplete sentences that students can identify and fix.
Roy the Zebra
Roy the Zebra: The Big Full Stop Tidy Up [Pdf]
Students will help Roy the Zebra learn about the "period" as a way to end complete sentences. Students will look at various pictures and then add periods to their related sentences. Then the students will construct their own sentences...
TES Global
Blendspace: Sentence Writing
This five-part learning module provides assorted references for sentence writing. This blendspace provides video writing tasks, resource sheets, and reference page links. Most of the spaces relate to writing compound and complex sentences.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Sentence Structure Activities
In this sentence structures learning module, students will learn more about clauses and phrases via a hands-on approach. PowerPoint lessons, downloadable content, games, and reinforcement worksheets are provided. This module is designed...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Diagramming Sentences
To introduce the method and value of diagramming sentences.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Illustrative Transition Words: Lesson 1
This lesson goes over illustration transition words and how they are used. It is 1 of 3 in the series titled "Illustrative Transition Words." [2:20]
TES Global
Tes: Sentences: Simple, Compound and Complex
[Free Registration/Login Required] This downloadable reference provides notes and examples of different types of sentences. Simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences are discussed on the resource pages.
TES Global
Tes: Travel Writing Sow
[Free Registration/Login Required] A 100-slide PowerPoint presentation will guide students through a descriptive writing task. Students will be write extensive pieces about a travel experience.
Stanford University
Stanford Ency. Phiosophy: Deflationary Theory of Truth
Sophisticated presentation from the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy of a variety of deflationary theories of truth. Begins with a simple explanation and examples, but soon enlists somewhat technical language to explain subtler...
Books in the Classroom
Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site: Eric Carle
What do you know about Eric Carle, the author? This Carol Hurst site highlights some interesting facts about this author's life and refers to some of his books.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Run on Sentences
A variety of presentation formats including notes, a PowerPoint presentation, activities, and a video [4:52] defining run-on sentences and comma splices and explaining different ways of correcting them.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Improving Sentence Clarity
A good resource that lists many ways to improve upon the clarity of a sentence. Includes examples and exercises for students.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Clauses: The Essential Building Blocks
Online PowerPoint writing tutorial on the subject of clauses in sentences. L.9-10.1b Phrases/Clauses
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina: Writing Center: Fragments and Run Ons
What are sentence fragments and run-on sentences? Explore this informative resource to review the meaning and some examples of these. Provides techniques for avoiding fragments and run-ons in writing assignments.
University of North Carolina
Univ. Of North Carolina: Seeing and Correcting Sentence Fragments and Run Ons
What is a sentence fragment and a run-on sentence? Explore this informative resource to review the meaning and some examples of these. Students and teachers can utilize this informative site to improve their writing skills.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Quiz: Compound and Complex Sentences
This resource offers a short, five-question quiz on compound and complex sentences. It gives information, explanations, and the correct answers.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Knowing the Basics of Grammar
This grammar tutorial for college students features help on verb agreement, the use of semicolons, sentence structure, and more.
Daily Grammar Archive
This site includes over 440 daily grammar lessons that are grouped into sections that cover the eight parts of speech, sentence structure, and mechanics. Quizzes are also included and are sorted according to the grammatical topic being...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Sentence Fragments Exercise 3
A practice exercise with ten questions. Each question has three sentences and students are asked to choose the one that is a complete sentence. Answers can be checked when finished, and correct answers are provided for any questions missed.