Bartleby Oxford Shakespeare: Cymbeline
The complete free text of Shakespeare's Cymbeline divided by acts and scenes. With bibliographic record and links to other Shakespeare texts.
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: "Tales From Shakespeare" by Charles and Mary Lamb
Classic Reader provides numerous classic works from famous authors. One work is Tales From Shakespeare, a story collection from Charles and Mary Lamb. This book, published in 1807, contains adapted versions of Shakespearean comedies and...
Shakespeare Online
Shakespeare Online: Romeo and Juliet
Excellent analysis of the themes of light, time, and destiny in Romeo and Juliet.
TES Global
Blendspace: 8th Grade Poetry Unit
This thirty-three-part learning module provides a poetry unit designed for 8th graders. This blendspace provides videos, web resources, and reference sheets related to the study of eighth grade poetry content.
Fun Trivia
Fun Trivia: Shakespeare Trivia Quizzes
On this site, Shakespearean quizzes and Shakespearean trivia collections are found. There are 29 folders of content associated with Shakepeare plays and facts.
Academy of American Poets William Shakespeare
This brief biographical overview of William Shakespeare includes information on his life and links to selected poems and sonnets. Includes a bibliography of selected works.
Shakespeare Globe Trust
The Shakespeare Globe Trust: Shakespeare's Globe
Learn the history of the Globe Theatre and take a look at today's rebuilt Globe.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Shakespeare: The Taming of the Shrew
This resource supplies teaching ideas for William Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew."
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: As You Like It
For William Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It, this site is linked to lesson plans and teaching materials, articles, introductory and background resources and the like.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: Henry V
This informative site features links to teaching resources for Shakespeare's history play Henry V. Includes lesson plans, a classic James Agee review of the film version, and the like.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: Julius Caesar
This extensive site features resources for teaching William Shakespeare's history play Julius Caesar. Includes lesson plans and other teaching resources.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: King Lear
Broaden your knowledge of William Shakespeare's "King Lear," when you explore this site. This resource features links to several other educational sites with lesson plans, activities, study guides and more.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: Macbeth
This site features links to lesson plans and other teaching resources for William Shakespeare's "Macbeth."
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: John Milton
This John Milton resource provides links to lesson plans, full-texts of Paradise Lost and other poems, teaching ideas, and biographical information.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: Othello
This resource provides links to lesson plans, activities, study guides, and other teaching ideas for Shakespeare's "Othello."
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: Richard Iii
Delve into the world of Shakepear's history of "Richard III." The content of this site includes links to lesson plans, activities, study guides, and more.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
What do you know about Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet?" Explore this informative resource filled with links to lesson plans and activities.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Web English Teacher: William Shakespeare: The Tempest
This site features links to lesson plans and activities for Shakespeare's "The Tempest."
TES Global
Tes: Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet Plot & Characters
[Free Registration/Login Required] This resource provides a number of activities for the introduction of Romeo and Juliet. Students will dig more deeply to aspects of the plot and characters of Romeo and Juliet. Translations of phrases...
Folger Shakespeare Library
Folger Shakespeare Library: Shakespeare Challenges
This site provides three research-oriented tasks about William Shakespeare. Students will click on provided links to search for answers to the questions.
Literary Explorer: Macbeth
Literary Explorer features a language arts unit on William Shakespeare's "Macbeth." Includes teaching and learning strategies for this powerful play.
William Shakespeare Info: William Shakespeare: The Complete Works
Although the lay-out of this page is not particularly easy on the eye, the content will prove valuable to teachers and children alike. In addition to a brisk overview of his life and work, there are links to more detailed information on...
Grade Saver
Grade Saver: The Comedy of Errors Study Guide by William Shakespeare
This website provides plot summaries, character profiles, and theme analysis for the Shakespearean comedy, "The Comedy of Errors." The information provided by Grade Saver provides good material to accompany a reading of the play.
Bbc History: Historical Figures: Macbeth (Ca. 1005 57)
Brief biography of Mac Bethad mac Findlaich (Macbeth), eleventh-century Scottish king and title character in William Shakespeare's tragedy.