Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Noun Game for Kids
Students use this noun game to generate three interesting nouns to use as they write an original story.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: All About Posters
As young writers become more skilled through the Writers Workshop lessons, they can begin working to become more skilled with non-fiction writing. A series of mini-lessons, graphic organizers, and samples of student work are all provided.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Wacky "I Will Not" Chalkboard
Students can use this writing idea from the book Wacky We-Search Reports by Barry Lane to demonstrate understanding in any content area. Students use the idea of writing "I will not " sentences to show their knowledge of various...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Question and Answer Books
Beginning writers work through a Writing Workshop format to create Question and Answer books. A series of mini-lessons, graphic organizers, possible texts, and samples of student work are all provided.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Unlikely Diary Keepers
The writer will assume the role of a living creature (like an arthropod) or an abstraction (like a fraction). Writers will do research on what they have chosen as their roles, and learn new facts about these roles. The writer will...
Research Project Guide: A Handbook for Teachers and Students
This resource provides guided research teaching units for all levels of learners.
EL Education
El Education: Rock and Mineral Trading Cards
Students complete field and museum observations and work with local geologists to collect information on various types of rocks. Each student then creates a trading card with an original illustration of the rock on the front and the...
EL Education
El Education: Malaria
Students research world health and global diseases and create a comic and activity book to raise awareness of global health issues, malaria in particular. In addition, students started a fund raising campaign to raise money for mosquito...
EL Education
El Education: Meet Local Scientists
Students learn about local scientists through research, interviews, and brief internships. Then students create pages for a class book containing digital photographs and information about the scientist and his/her field of study.
EL Education
El Education: Meet the Maya
After researching ancient and contemporary Mayan culture, students each write and illustrate a page to add to a class alphabet book.
EL Education
El Education: Rmsel Birds: A Neighborhood Guide
Students complete fieldwork and research on different types of local birds to complete a field guide. The guide provides information and illustrations for each bird along with a focus on the type of feet the birds have and the various...
EL Education
El Education: Sapling Rise a Micro Field Guide
Students create a field guide for a three foot by three foot plot of ground. Students name their plots, graph temperature, create an inventory and table to record observations, make illustrations, and write informational text based on...
EL Education
El Education: Tools for Sailors Ahoy, Mate!
In this lesson students learn about sailing and contribute writing, illustrations, and photographs to a class book containing information about navigation equipment, the Beaufort Scale, knots, and the signal system of flags used by...
EL Education
El Education: Trees for Everybody Meridian Hill Park Tree Field Guide
An online field guide entitled Trees are for Everybody by kindergarten students at the Capital City Public Charter School in Washington, D.C. The book contains student observations, photographs, and original illustrations which provide...
EL Education
El Education: What Is a Mastodon?
An online book entitled What is a Mastodon? by kindergarten students at Genesee Community Charter School in Rochester, New York. The book contains information mastodons including what they looked like, how they ate and drank, and how...
EL Education
El Education: What's Up?
An online book entitled What's Up? Frequently Asked Questions About Space by 3rd graders at Genesee Community Charter School in Rochester, New York. The book contains information about space and tools used to study space. Original...
EL Education
El Education: What Snake Am I?
An online book entitled What Snake Am I? by 2nd graders at The Conservatory Lab Charter School in Brighton, Massachusetts. The book contains information about different snakes found around the world. Original writing and illustrations...
EL Education
El Education: Wisconsin for Kids and by Kids
An online book entitled Wisconsin for Kids and By Kids created by the students of Winnequah Middle School in Monona, Wisconsin that features some famous people, places, and events throughout Wisconsin's history. Original writing and...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Headings and Subheadings
This tutorial uses two short videos and a PDF handout to explain how and when to use headings and subheadings. Video 1 explains the purpose of headings and subheadings and why and when to use them; video 2 discusses how to format and...
EL Education
El Education: What's Happening in the Bog?
An online book entitled What's Happening in the Bog by 6th graders at Duggan Middle School in Springfield, Massachusetts. The book contains descriptions and photographs and illustrations of plants and animals found in Duggan Leatherleaf...
EL Education
El Education: The Emancipator Selections From the Original
In this lesson, students combine research and fieldwork to learn about slavery through locally related events. Then they work to create a newspaper to demonstrate their understanding.
EL Education
El Education: The Well Project: A Drinking Water Report
In this lesson, students collected and tested well water from various locations to determine the quality of surface water used as drinking water throughout their town. Students prepared a general report for the town as well as specific...
EL Education
El Education: "Water Quality and Future Use of Loon Pond"
An online research report entitled "2007 Report on Water Quality and Future Use of Loon Pond" by ninth grade students from Renaissance Charter School in Springfield, Massachusetts. Students completed field work testing water and applied...
EL Education
El Education: Maine's Flora
Students gather research, complete field observations, and work with a local arborist to create a field guide to local flora. Information includes illustrations, descriptions, identifying characteristics, and more.