Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Imagery, Metaphor, and Simile (English Ii Reading)
Evaluate the role of imagery, metaphor, and simile in literary nonfiction such as speeches and essays.
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Thinking Skills
In this self-guided course, you will be looking at several pieces of literature in many different forms. This unit will teach you some principles of thinking and learning and how to use basic literary terms in the analysis of literature....
University of North Carolina: Glossary of Literary Terms
This site is provided for by the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Over forty literary terms defined by college students, each with thorough examples.
McGraw Hill
Mc Graw Hill: Vocabulary Acquisition and Use: Understand Figurative Language
Explains what similes and metaphors are and how they are alike and different. Provides examples and practice sheets for each.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Literary Text: Imagery, Metaphor, and Simile
Writers use sensory imagery ("smelled the salty air"), similes ("like a strong man playing tug-of-war"), and metaphors ("the waves roaring in my ears") to capture the reader's imagination. In this lesson, you will learn how to identify...
Quia: Figurative Language Quiz
This 30-question quiz asks students to answer questions about figurative language by selecting the correct answer. Feedback is provided after the quiz is submitted. Java is required.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Imagery: Simile and Metaphor (English I Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, you will learn how to recognize the literary devices of simile and metaphor and understand their roles in poetry and fiction.
Abcteach: Similes [Pdf]
This printable worksheet tutorial tests your knowledge of writing snow similes.
Fu Jen Univ.: Poetic Elements: Denotation and Connotation: Figures of Speech
This site gives short definitions of the terms denotation and connotation. Also gives definitions for many figures of speech. Finally, includes discussion and study questions for a few poems at the bottom of the page. L.11-12.5b Nuance
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Poetry and Music Fun With Chris Daughtry
This language arts lesson grabs students' attention by incorporating a popular musician. The lyrics to "Over You" include vivid language that makes identifying figures of speech intriguing. The students will identify similes, metaphors,...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Figurative Language
This lesson used a slideshow presentation to explain the difference between similes and metaphors. Young scholars are challenged to identify these figurative elements in literature and then create some themselves.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Literary Terms S Z
The third of three pages of simple definitions for literary terms. This page, S - Z, covers twenty-two terms from "Saga," to "Understatement."
Quizlet: Flashcards: Figurative Language Level 1
Practice learning figurative language using these audio-enabled flashcards with literary terms and their definitions. Also provided is a list of terms and definitions (audio available) and links to games and a test. Java is required....
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Serendipitous Simile Generator for Stories
With this writing prompt generator, students will create similes that inspire an original story or a description.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Expanding Serendipitous Similes in Poems
An explanation of simile and its role in poetry followed by a simile maker. Press the buttons to create a simile and then write a poem that expands that simile.
Chase Young, PhD
Dr. Chase Young, Ph D: Reader's Theater Script: The Poem "Simile" [Pdf]
A reader's theater script for "Simile", a poem, is provided on this script. Eleven character roles are needed in this performance.
English Club
English Club: Esl Games: Vocabulary: Mystery Matches 7 (Upper Intermediate)
Play memory match game by matching the parts of each animal simile.
English Club
English Club: Vocabulary: Cloze Games: Animals Cloze 9
Choose from a word bank to complete ten sentences that use animal similes. Hints are available if needed, and a percentage score is displayed once answers are submitted.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Similes: Lesson 2
This slideshow lesson defines similes, discusses their purpose in writing, and provides examples.
TES Global
Blendspace: Figurative Language
A forty-six part learning module including links to informational texts, videos, pictures, practice exercises and more on various types of figurative language such as simile, metaphor, personification, idiom, alliteration, hyperbole, and...
TES Global
Blendspace: Similes and Metaphors
An eighteen-part learning module with links to videos, charts, and images to teach similes and metaphors.
TES Global
Blendspace: Gallagher Figurative Language
A learning module with thirty-one links to images, texts, websites, and videos to on figurative language including simile, metaphor, personification, idiom, alliteration, hyperbole, and onomatopoeia.
TES Global
Blendspace: Figurative Language
A fifteen-part learning module with links to images, texts, and websites to use while learning about figurative language including simile, metaphor, idioms, and more.
TES Global
Blendspace: Figurative Language
A ten-part learning module with links to videos, websites, texts, and a quiz on figurative language simile, metaphor, idiom, cliche, symbolism, and more.