Curated OER
Communication, Day 3: Asking What You Want
Mild to moderately disabled secondary students practice asking for what they want. They discuss a scenario, list things they want, then practice asking for those things. Our special needs students need to know how to communicate...
Practical Action
Practical Action: Wind Power Challenge
In this unit, students explore how life for people in the rural mountainous regions of Peru is different as they live without access to electricity. They learn how small-scale wind turbines have changed people's lives, as with a supply...
Practical Action
Practical Action: Squashed Tomato Challenge
Challenge students to take on a real-life problem affecting people in Nepal. Many farmers living on the mountainside there grow fruit and vegetables, including tomatoes. To earn a living, they need to sell these at the local market. The...
4 Ways to Help Students Identify Needs and Opportunities and to Design Solutions
One of the key aspects of the design thinking process is to be able to identify needs and opportunities for design endeavors. Students need to investigate, explore and critique needs, opportunities, and information in order to define the...