The History Place
The History Place: The Vietnam War: Seeds of the Conflict, 1945 1960
This detailed chronology of the Vietnam War is part of a four-segment timeline on the conflict published by the History Place, a privately operated online publication. The site focuses on the events and decisions that eventually led to...
Wikipedia: Ho Chi Minh
This site from Wikipedia provides a biography of the North Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh. Focuses primarily on his political life. Ho Chi Minh led the independence movement in North Vietnam.
US Army Center
U.s. Army Center of Military History: The u.s. Army in Vietnam
This site gives an in-depth look at the U.S. Army action during the Vietnam War. To find more information about Diem's overthrow, look under the section labeled 635.
Vassar College
Vassar College: The Wars for Vietnam: The Documents
Document excerpts from the years 1954-1973 demonstrating U.S. support of South Vietnam. Includes links to other Vietnam sources.
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Woodrow Wilson Center: Digital Archive: Geneva Conference of 1954
The Geneva Conference of 1954 was an international meeting in Switzerland involving the Soviet Union, the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China and the Viet Minh. The powers involved attempted to negotiate a settlement to end...
Digital History
Digital History: Into the Quagmire
Vietnam is one of the longest wars fought, spanning multiple decades and U.S. presidencies. In this article, students will learn about France's defeat at and withdrawal after Dien Bien Phu, the Geneva Accords, and the policies of the...
The History Place
The History Place: The Vietnam War America Commits
This site from The History Place provides a lengthy timeline, accented with many quotations, explaining how America came to be directly involved in Vietnam. This is a great site to check out on the subject.
The Vietnam Wars: The First Indochina War
Outlines the struggle between the French and Viet Minh administration in Vietnam, leading ultimately to the Viet Minh victory in the First Indochina War.
The Vietnam Wars: The Geneva Accords
This brief section of a larger work on the Vietnam War discusses the basic purpose and guidelines of the Geneva Accords.
Vassar College
Vassar: National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
This site from Vassar University contains the platform of North Vietnam's communist party, the National Liberation Front, with a call for reunification of North and South Vietnam.
Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: Early Involvement
The U.S. early involvement in Vietnam during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations consisted of military aid to the doomed South Vietnamese government. Read about Ho Chi Minh and his leadership of North Vietnam.
More or Less: Heroes and Killers: Ho Chi Minh
A comprehensive biography of the Vietnamese revolutionary Ho Chi Minh. Organized in a timeline form which allows readers to jump different periods of his life quickly.
Pbs: American Experience: Ho Chi Minh
This site from provides a brief biography of Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969 CE) and his achievements.