Choices Program, Brown University
Choices: Teaching With the News: Castro's Legacy and the Future of Cuba
Through the use of handouts and online resources, students will explore the reaction to Fidel Castro's decision to resign as Cuba's president, examine the future of Cuba, and consider the international response to Castro's resignation...
New York Times
New York Times: Raul Castro News
[Free Registration/Login Required] This site provides a concise overview of Raul Castro's life as well as links to articles about him that date back to 1985. Links to related articles and sites are featured.
Digital History
Digital History: Viva La Raza!
This Digital History site provides an informative overview of the Mexican American civil rights movement in America.
Bbc Profile: Raul Castro
A brief profile on Raul Castro, younger brother of Fidel Castro and his likely successor. Focused on the years between his rise to power and the present.
Curated OER
Bbc: Raul Castro
An image of Raul Castro, current President of Cuba and brother of Fidel Castro