Better Lesson
Better Lesson: W.3.1: Write Opinion Pieces on Familiar Topics or Texts
Links to 37 lessons that focus on skills within third grade reading standard W.3.1.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: W.3.1d: Provide a Concluding Statement or Section
Links to 11 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard W.3.1d: Provide a concluding statement or section. W.3.1.d Worksheets: Provide a Concluding Statement or Section
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 12 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.1.B: Provide a concluding statement or section.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: W.3.1b: Provide Reasons That Support the Opinion
Links to 27 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard W.3.1b: Provide reasons that support the opinion. W.3.1.b Worksheets: Provide Reasons That Support the Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 17 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.3.1.B: Provide reasons that support the opinion. W.4.1 Worksheets: Write Opinion Pieces on Topics or Texts
[Free Registration/Login Required] A site with links to 29 worksheets that can be downloaded and printed for student use while building skills with standard W.4.1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with...
Common Lit: "What Adolescents Miss by Grow Up in Cyberspace" by Brent Staples
In this informational text, Brent Staples explores how the Internet may be impacting teenagers' development. As you read, take notes on what teenagers use the Internet for and how it impacts their development. [Free account registration...
Common Lit: "The Limits of Empathy" by David Brooks
In this opinion piece, David Brooks discusses his views on empathy and whether or not it influences our actions. As you read, identify the claims David Brooks makes about empathy. [Free account registration required for specific tools.]
Common Lit: "The Cost of Prison in Dollars and Lives" by Michael P. Jacobson
In this opinion piece, Michael Jacobson discusses juvenile justice and how young offenders should be treated in comparison to adult offenders. [Free account registration required for specific tools.]
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: I Need a Pet
This is a fun activity to allow students to try to convince their parents to buy them a pet of their choice in an opinion letter.
Snn Newsroom: Reporter's Toolbox: Writing Editorials and Columns
Advice and examples of editorial and feature column writing, along with an explanation of the role that editorial writers and columnists fill. Explains how to structure this type of writing in order to present clear arguments.